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LINK There Is A Difference Between Dating and Courting |

I used to think dating was courtship, but saw lots aren't like my dad. He met my mom through mutual friends and then dined with no trying to act they're married before they went to see the Justice of the Peace. I totally understand that what goes on between consenting adults is personal and don't pry into others personal business. Nevertheless, I learned technically between the opposote sex, it's not even legal to be heavily sexually involved with someone without such a formal agreement to establish respect for each others civil rights and the best interest of the community.

The big thing is, there's a lot of male deliquency and criminal behavior. Deliquents and criminals aren't trustworthy. I insist on someone trustworthy.

Other people's references on what's a good man for a potential suitor can be below my standards. I don't want to waste time with some feeling like or pretending their just romantic when actually the coin of that word is in part "impossible situations". I don't want impossible situations, I want and deserve respect.

This has meant a lot of lonely years. I don't care. I can wait.

If a man doesn't go for desert before the main course or hasn't been irreversibly damaged amd can learn a better way of eating abd drinking, then, he's showing me a lot of good things. For example, he doesn't want to loose me even though I'm not something like a starlet, he cares about my safety and feelings, he knows the law well. Even if there's a lot of attraction if it's romantic, I could end up heart broken or worse, so I like logic and reasoning. There would be more TLC with good time.

WarmFluffy 7 Oct 20

Enjoy being online again!

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I probably read too much Jane Austen to appreciate any of this.

Deb57 Level 8 Jan 8, 2019

No offense intended but the site your link points to should be viewed with great skepticism.

It is certainly your choice to have premarital sex or not. However, it seems you're starting from a place of fear and distrust in males in general.

Where I live, it is not illegal to have sex before marriage. Although, there are some womanizing males, I think most of us are honestly looking for a partner. For me, sex is part of getting to know a woman and I'm careful to let them know my intentions beforehand.

My discourse is not to force a man who doesn't want commitment to be mine my way. If he doesn't, it's too high risk and my pursuit of happiness is to find one that does care about the same things in that way.

Unfortunately, typically people nowadays see differences of opinion as something to provoke a comment that the others choice must be based on an off notion. Physically sex is marraige. Studies show those that don't care to commit typically really don't care about the relationship. Those that live together statistically more often break up. Those that commit, more often happily stay together. They're also more likely to have a social disease or get one, or some other vice that leads to consequences and often an early death.

Earlier when I was newer to online relationships as local activities were not leading me to men that actually did have the same concerns even if the entire group was supposed to be impressed and following more reliable way, occasionally I'd find imposters, and even men on FBI lists. Some would mock me about being into finding excons online and it wasn't like they were introducing me to better suitors or that there were better suitors among those crowds. Not interested in being a side kick, whore, tinker toy etc. I'm a grown woman and if the friendship isn't strong enough so that both truly feel they want it to continue without end in a reasonable way and make agreements about how they intend to make desired commitment a desirable and practical thing, then, real irresponsibilty is a concern. I don't want to end up feeling like I'm full of piranhas just because some D personality who thinks being carnal is cool, talks me into being his latest conquest or other well intentioned ill thought out blundered.
Lots care a bunch about their platonic bbf or pals that b they've had since they were little or wish they had such pals, but when it comes to relationships are wish washy. They're like we could feel lust, skip the trouble of looking before we leap and like a Cracker Jack box find out if the there's a prize or something that leads to an early death. Being Cracker Jacks it's not the healthiest food option so I don't know your situation. Perhaps you're happily married and only were involved with 1 female bbf that you knew as well as if there had been a clever courtship with an acquaintance.

Here just the doubt of whether the man will care is a turn off. If he's not sure of what he wants, he definitely doesn't feel like he definitely wants a bbf wife for life.

Since there's many well behaved, healthier responsible ladies and not so many men coming out of high school that are delinquents, lots know we have to risk not finding anyone if we insist on finding out if he really has optimal health, responsible habits, good goals and cares about us in a special way.

Therefore I don't judge others choices so much but as for myself insist upon boundaries. There's tentatively the circle of acquaintances, potential platonic friends, and among them potentially a life partner that's friendship he also desires to never go away no matter how old we get and whatever else happens.

@WarmFluffy I'm not sure how to respond.

@Jay1313132018 a fine response to me


You do deserve love and respect. However, a good man will respect you even if you have sex with him. I belive the article is very dated.

I am a feminist and a humanist. You can ask a man that you like to go on a social occasion or court him and he can be respectful too. Marriage does not need to be the end point for happiness. I am responsible for my happiness, and it does not include marriage at this time. I, myself, would not listen to a site named "Sugar Daddie." It sounds disrespectful of men, perhaps even valuing their money over who they are as a person. On the site it has a link, "How Can A Sugar Daddy Pay My Bills?" Really? Sounds like a way to use men.

Are you from the U.S.A.? It is legal here to have sex with your opposite-sex partner. I am glad you are choosing logic and reason in picking a potential partner. However, emotional connection and sexual interest is highly important too. I like a balance in both logical thinking and emotional intelligence in people.

, it's tolerated between consenting adults. Everyone has their personal feedings which are good, but I feel if I didn't know a man so well that we were committed to each other why would I want to have sex with someone that doesn't care that much for the run.


I see nothing wrong with a good deal of nonsexual courting going on before takin it there. If it seems like its worth pursuing as a long term relationship then whats the rush? I'm sort of old fashioned for my age like that in practice, besides being a radically honest sexual deviant by all but the most extreme standards otherwise probably, Im still a shy careful gentleman lol. I do kinda like to take it slow at first, but still would prefer to let things organically happen without too much fuss and reservation if the time seems right.

I see why it's a good idea for sex not to be the immediate primary focus of the relationship, but I also mistrust the puritanical seeming motives behind anyone who puts this much thought into making an arbitrary principled stance of waiting til marriage. That seems just as unhealthy as fucking everyone you meet first thing. Its wise not to rush in general but no ones awarding special medals at the end of life for playing by antiquated rules. Some people have a problem of having their guard constantly up and the other constantly down. How about a little moderation and carefully managed risk taking? Seems like the way to go.


Also on the site. Seriously?


I think that if you find a man who believes like you whether that is dating or courtship then you can at least start out with a common ground and that's good. There are some problems with your plan though. Please hear me out.

Both courtship and dating are human constructs. Both are fallible. Dating where sexual encounters are allowed might lead to dating is all about sex and not compatibility. It happens. No one can seriously doubt that. But you can set dating rules for yourself and most women do. You can say that there is a progression to sex and no skipping the steps. That might sound like courtship. OK so? You aren't taking sex completely off the table and you get to know someone properly. Call it whatever you want. Courtship where you are taking a sexual relationship out of the equation and more importantly is structured by someone without a true necessary desire for the process to work is a more socially conceived construct to limit access to higher social castes. Not saying that is wrong but that's the purpose. Courtship requires more financial and time resources. It will limit choices beyond just who might be compatible with you personality wise but also financially.

Time is also valuable. That's my next point. If you are spending all this time and resources on courtship, you are losing that time where you might be happy. We are only here for a little while. Live your life and allow yourself to be happy not following some notions that were not intended to be there for the happiness of the couple but the order of the society.

Last, social constructs like religion and courtship don't always stand up to the test of time. Even if you adjust them to modern times, the purpose has changed. They can be negative where they had a good purpose at first.

Good luck!


There is dating, marriage, and divorcing, The divorcing part is where you each get a lawyer and go courting.


" Courtship is to be accomplished without the complexity of being intimate sexually."
I think Jeffrey (the author of the article) knows very little about relationships and what makes them successful.. (IMO)
being intimate only makes things complex if YOU make it complex..
I am NOT saying taking "sex" off the table for a little bit in a new relationship is a bad idea (in fact studies have shown that for a long term relationship you SHOULD withhold sex at some point to learn if you actually like each other)

IMO the only real difference between courting and dating is that with courting you both have already got to the point where marriage is a possible option..
if your not including sexual compatibility in that exploration, I think your in for trouble..


Guys, well, some of us, would like to be courted, too. That let's both parties really know each other.

Really? What are your thoughts on that.
What constitutes courting you by a woman in your perspective?

@Qualia It's not single sided. That would be a starting place, for me, anyway.

@potteryguy2018 Ok, well I'm just curious. Could you break it down?
Does that mean being called first? Asked out first?
Do you want flowers? (I love a guy who likes flowers)


I'm not one for courting. I had a bad experience with it the one and only time I partook. Dating is more my style. If you are getting to know someone for a relationship then you should get to know everything. It all matters. It also doesn't matter that looks and sex don't really last into old age. All the more reason to have as much sex (with that 1 person, or more, depending on what you want or is agreed upon) before you get old. It doesn't mean you can't fully get to know someone if you both have sex. Anyone can get played at any time. Why deprive yourselves?


I think it all boils down to chemistry....its either there or it isn't. If it's there, then good manners and breeding will dictate how fast or slow things move along. Some people are simply more sexual/sensual creatures so things can heat up between them very quickly. Others like to set a slower pace - or as you called it "a courtship period". Different strokes.....


I don't know. I don't think I have standards. I think everything depends on the other person and how the two interact and respond to each other.


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