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What is your definition of God?

I don't believe in the God that I grew up believing in. However if I had to define "God" - it would be the energy we receive from the Sun, which is responsible for creating and maintaining life on Earth.

gater 7 Feb 2

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EMC2 Level 8 Feb 3, 2018

A complete load of horseshit made up by people who didn't know any better. Perpetuated by people who SHOULD know better.


Succinctly put 🙂


A funny Carlin skit on the sun god




why define something that you do not believe in ? the sun is just a natural nuclear reaction,

Doesn't a definition limit the extent of the understanding? So it also limits the range of the concept "God" I guess.

@Gert Without a definition for God, what exactly would you be worshipping but a mystery?
KNEEL to the great I don't know
God is a label for which there is no evidence of the actual product

@Davesnothere Well, most people are worshiping a mystery, don't they? Every religious individual paints his or her own picture of the god they worship, based on the vague descriptions they obtain from the religious dogmas and sermons. Paint a picture of God of Heaven, of Jesus, Brahma, of Buddha, of Jehovah, of Allah. I guess any religion has another vague definition of their god(s) and what they do for a living. Anyway a great magician that lives somewhere in the sky, is almighty and does nothing. Defining a god is limiting its existence. It takes away the mystical realm.

@Gert and why I am Ignostic

Ignosticism is an Epistomologic position; it is a set of ideas refuting the importance of determining the existence of God. It claims that knowledge regarding the reality of God is altogether unprofitable.

It is the idea that every theological position assumes too much about the concept of God and other theological concepts; including (but not limited to) concepts of faith, spirituality, heaven, hell, afterlife, damnation, salvation, sin and the soul.

IF you cannot even define what you are talking about, or consider it beyond human understanding, how is it you can claim to know anything about it and keep your intellectual integrity intact?



  1. Mythological creatures used to explain the natural word, often having special abilities like causing weather or world creating
  2. An expression of anger or annoyance, often used in frustration. Sometimes used in delight or excitement.

A construct of a person's deluded mind. Either that or someone's imaginary friend.


An imaginary super being created by prehistoric humans who did not understand and could not explain nature, the cosmos, physics, rain and thunder. Modern human still refuse to think and believe in that imaginary being.


I don't have one... I try to make it not exist and people here keep bringing him up as a subject.


A brain fart.


I don't know if I have a personal definition of God. I can quote what others in society think God is. I can explain what people throughout history have said what God or Gods were. But for myself, I do not know. And I'm not sure if I will ever know in this journey called life.
I have searched different religions and philosophies in search of the truth. But it is ever elusive.


God = The one size fits all answer to things we don't understand


A mythical creature on par with dragons, werewolves and elves.

But not as entertaining.


How do you define something that doesn't exist other than to say it's a myth and needs no more investigation then that.


In my life, there are no gods, so no definition.


Seems like people are answering this in two different ways; 1. what is the God you don't believe in and 2. what do you think actually comes closest to the notion of God? for #1, I say, I don't believe in any of the Gods prescribed by any of the religions, and for #2, I go with the words of Nietsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake." As a composer, harmony seems to me the pinnacle of divine synchronicity, and my love of music hence becomes my god.


A fairytale put there by humans to control by lies and sooth the thought of death.


Our ignorance.

we have a big Thomas pain statue in our town and we used to have the rights of man pub.


God is the order and purpose desired out of chaos.


So do you consider all the stars in the universe to be gods?

Robo - no most religions give God credit for life. So if I had to give credit it would be the Sun. I suppose you could say that for any star that supported life

@gater The Sun creates the same energy as all the other stars out there. So if the energy made by our star is a god then the energy coming from all the others must be gods as well.

@RoboGraham just the ones that support life




When I use "God" with a capital G, I am generally referring to the Abrahamic god. Lowercase god, I use to refer to any deity. And of course, I sometimes use God as an exclamation with no religious connotation at all.

To define God, I'd say it's a mythological being who is eternal, all-powerful, all-knowing, and all good, and who is the creator of everything. That's where I start when debating a theist, to ensure that we're debating the same idea.


God - a bit like the bogeyman invented to keep people in order and obeying rules.


I don't have one because I don't bother defining what does not exist.


Invisible sky friend for people who are:

  1. extremely lonely
  2. have no understanding of personal responsibility
    3)... Probably another catagory I'll think of 20 minutes after I post this.
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