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Abortions: should there be a time limit?

My opinion is if it's a part of your body you have the right to remove it at any point. If it's viable outside the body on its own, killing it should not be an option. I'm open to having my mind changed.

paul1967 8 Oct 20

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I am a guy. Guys should have no say in the matter.


"Discussion" on this topic immediately devolves into talking past each other over what constitutes "human" and when human rights are conveyed. It should be a source of great suspicion, though, when the people who are in all other areas of life very willing to take away human rights or define or apply them as narrowly / selfishly as possible, invent a right for developing potential life that's extremely liberal. These are the same people who think the resulting children born into poverty have no right to school lunches or health care or some basic standard of living, and who, when they reach maturity, should be mass-incarcerated as a matter of public policy.

So it's so much crocodile tears for the most part.

The religious right is behind much of this and they have used up all their moral capital and then some by now, so their bloviating pontifications have less than zero credibility. Particularly when they invented the doctrine of "right to life" out of whole cloth in the 1970s as part of their search for temporal power. Before that their own theologians often agreed that unborn fetuses were not persons.


in Canada its between a women and her doctor.. IMO I think that is the best way to go about it.. which turns out, in the huge majority of cases, its the same as your opinion.


How about we stop wasting time talking about abortion rights and endeavor towards the more productive pursuit of developing and making readily available 100% safe and effective contraceptive measures so that having an abortion is a decision that no woman ever has to face again.



Paul this is for the woman herself to decide. No one else. A doctor I used to work with said to me that the biggest abortionist is 'mother nature' as virtually all women experience 'void pregnancies' at some time, usually without even knowing they were pregnant.


I thought the 1st trimester was the standard

gater Level 7 Oct 20, 2018

Of course there is a time limit; the life of the woman would be endangered otherwise.


The abortion question has become more complicated as old white men not only want to rule our bodies, they have made it almost impossible for women to acquire a safe abortion. One of the ways they get around legal abortions is to force clinics to close by changing the physical requirements that a clinic must have. Women have to save money to travel further.. time drags on. Of course, there’s no men in the picture. No republicans especially to take these children.

IMHO abortion is not a matter of "no man to take care of these kids but of not wanting to carry the bag during nine months."


How about rape or incest? A difficult question......

Honestly, it doesn't seem difficult to me, it's their body. It's that easy.

No difficulty at all. Why to force a woman to carry a fetus she didn't planned ?

It would be absolutely insane to force a raped woman to carry a resulting fetus. Only the religous nuts try to do that!

@Renickulous The None Toleration of rape and empathy for the victim of rape is just a "Cultural Bias" that can be overcome with a scientific approach... seriously tell me I misunderstood that disgusting implication, surely you did not mean that?


Legally, I think the time limit should be at birth. Morally, I think it is much earlier than that, except in extreme cases.

In my opinion, morally I think we need to consider the rights of the mother first. Its her body and her life.

@Renickulous That's confusing. I think I understand what you're saying. Giving birth comes with risk does it not?

@Renickulous They are not separate if the fetus cannot live on its own.

@Renickulous You are taking an extreme stance -- which you have every right to do -- however I think you're wrong. A dead fetus is a human. However, I find the idea of giving a dead human being rights over those of a living human being bizarre and irrational.

@Renickulous Until viability (the ability to live outside the female's body), the fetus is a glob of human cells. Would you classify a cancerous tumor as a human? It seems it meets your simplistic criteria. The science on this is not settled. You will not find a scientific book that states absolutely that a fertilized cell is a human being. Not even in medical school text books.

@Renickulous What is your scientific definition of "human."

@Renickulous Your definition is irrelevant to facts? Not if you want to think clearly. Like I stated in the other thread, my cut off finger has the same DNA as every other part of my body ( So, is my cut off finger a human?

@Renickulous You are correct. I think I am missing your point. You are discussing what constitutes a "human", but won't define what you think a "human" is. I thought you intimated that being "human" means having the unique combination of DNA that comes from the mother and father, which is why I stated that, by that definition, my cut-off finger is a "human."

@Renickulous Viability is a medical concept that refers to the probability of a fetus being able to live after birth. As science advances, this creeps back in time because of the possibility of using 'heroic' efforts to keep it alive. However, you are never going to get solid, definitive answers on these questions. Is it a human being if it can't breathe or digest or move? Yet medical science could keep these 'alive'. So if you wish to beat this point to death (pun deliberate) when the scientific community disagrees with you, have fun.

Babies have been born at 21 weeks, thank goodness in Canada. Those babies would technically not be viable if it was not for today’s technology. They spend months in the hospital and will have lifelong problems... pre existing conditions. Remember those very important parts of the ACA that effects almost everyone, including myself.
Health insurance will cover viaga but not birth control, there’s something seriously wrong with a male driven system.


if the child is old enough to drive, it's too late to abort.

the time limits republicans are trying to impose actually can mean that a woman doesn't even KNOW she is pregnant until after the limit.

viability is a good cut-off. if there is a limit, it should NOT be anywhere in the first trimester. any limit that is imposed should have exceptions made for the life of the mother AND the life/quality of life of the fetus.



With some individuals the limit for deciding to abort should maybe extended to 73 years
mentioning no names

@Gurahl Just to be clear, laughing at you not with you 😉


There should be a time limit except for medical reasons for the mother. If the baby has progressed to the point it could survive outside the mother I feel it would be murder also.

Read R v W; the time limit is stated there.

I agree if the being has progressed to the point it can survive outside the mother then it is no longer a termination or an abortion it is induced labour or a Cesarean birth or if death is induced murder, it comes down to the point when your define it as a zygote, an embryo, fetus and a baby.
However until that point, it is the choice of the mother or host if mother is too emotive a term.
Accidental, or unwanted pregnancy ruins lives, pregnancy from rape or desertion also do so. The choice to carry to term either for motherhood or adoption MUST be left with the mother as must be the choice to discontinue the pregnancy, until such point as the survival of the infant is no longer reliant upon her and each case must be assessed with this in mind.
The capability of survival with an acceptable quality of life for both mother and child should I feel be the deciding factor.


I agree.

Dietl Level 7 Oct 20, 2018
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