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70%plus republicans do not believe that trumper had any thing to do with Russia's. Will Mueller's report change their mind?

Marine 8 Oct 24

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Why should it? it will reveal NOTHING. This Russia hacking BS was just a distraction from what the leaked emails revealed about the DNC. Wait and see. It will be filled with a whole lot of " confidence" statements and zero evidence because it doesn't exist! if there were actual evidence we would have seen it long ago.


It will not change thier minds. He has a majority of them fooled and they will continue to go down with his ship. You already see this behavior with the farmers. They are willing to put the farms that they have spent thier whole lives building and risks thier family’s livelihood for this charlatan.


Yes Major league. WE , not the trumpets know factually what has been reported and yes Trump has a lot to do with Russia and Saudi money as well as control. Do not doubt reality.

EMC2 Level 8 Oct 25, 2018

Nothing will change their minds, unbelievable how closed minded the majority are. Trump is right everyone else is wrong. SAD


I can't believe that so many ignore his actions toward the Russian's as not being some how related to his dealing with the Russian's. We don't know what went on during his secret meeting or what his dealings were before. His constant lies make anything he saids doubtful. His love of dictators is disturbing besides.

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