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Did you read it

I haven't read The Art of The Deal. How many of you here has?

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Shelton 8 Oct 24

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why would i read it? even out of morbid curiosity, i wouldn't, since he didn't write it.



I'd rather read that 50 shades of shyte book.


The last thing I would ever do is put a time in that incompetent thief’s pocket


I understand the need to know one's enemy, but there aren't enough antinauseants in the world to counteract what trying to read that shite would do to me.


Hell no!! At least a ghost writer was probably literate. But tRump couldn't deal himself out of a paper bag. Anyway, I prefer nonfiction.


No, and I never will. Here is a good interview with the ghostwriter who actually wrote it: []


I'm not into that kind of fiction.


I read it years ago, soon after it was first published.

& what did you think of it?

@Carin I honestly don't remember what I thought of it. I remember some of my friends at the time saying Trump was a braggart, but I didn't care so much about that aspect of him.


Wouldn't waste my time reading anything that dickhead puts out.


Reading his words that saying something 3 times and people would start to believe it was enough for me. It makes me hold a used car salesman in higher esteem.


And I don't want to.

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