An interesting article that I wanted to share with the group.
And this is one of the internet sites that is helping people become more confident, and feel less alone, in dealing with a society that scorns people who refuse to yield to a belief that is not grounded in reality. In the mental health field there is a treatment approach called DBT. One of its pillars is that people must accept reality, where they are in life, before they can productively make changes and move on to where they want to be. Maybe that principal holds true for the human race. Maybe once we give up the idea that there is a benevolent parent always looking down on us and taking care of us, we can better solve our problems and treat each other and our Earth better. I don't know that for sure, but I do believe things are better dealt with when looked at realistically. I know centuries of religion has not succeeded in making people treat each other well. I also know people cling desperately to their delusions that give them a false sense of comfort, and are not tolerant to anything or anyone who they perceive as a threat to them being able to hold on to that delusion.