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What are we doing here? (On this site, not existentially.)

I am here to make some new friends and maybe do some dating. What is your main reason for coming to

KevinLentini 4 Oct 26

Enjoy being online again!

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About the same as yours.


It's nice to have a religious-free conversation 🙂


talking with my fingers. expressing myself, finding out what other people think, whether other people think, when other people think, how people feel, away from facebook, although i am not away from facebook. i can multitask!



For me it is kind of like Facebook without all the ads and time wasting games. At least that is my experience. I also hope to meet/make some local friends


I'm here for the same reason. Also, I like to talk to like-minded people.


friends, amusement, play partners


There's a vague notion that a female around my age with a mutual attraction will come around. But it's not something I'm actively searching. I'm mostly here because this is a community of non-believers where I can talk openly about my lack of belief.

Or to talk with others about nothing in particular, but free from the interjection of some religious-based nonsense.

@LetzGetReal Someone is rude.

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