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US Politics: POTUS question

Netflix has a documentary about the Big Orange One in a series called "Dirty Money" which I watched last night. Made me cringe. Hence this poll is for my US neighbours to the south... I'm interested in why & how he got in. Pls, no flaming.

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Hominid 7 Feb 4

Enjoy being online again!

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I didn't vote at all. I was one of the few that didn't fall for the "lesser of the two evils" crap. Voted for sanders, but he didn't make it to the primaries.


I live deep in the South, almost to the Gulf of Mexico by less than 50mi. Your post suggests you think it was the South that got him into office. I challenge that assumption.

I'm Canadian. Take it from there... 😉

I didn't get that at all. To be fair though, I live in Beaumont, TX (literally AT the gulf) and I can assure you that the 678k plus voters in the area, did vote for him, and wore that proudly.

@Hominid You are sooo bad!!! ROFLMAO!


Trump will fix this broken country

gater Level 7 Feb 4, 2018

I left the Republican Party because of this dumpster fire. I've always favored liberal policies and an economy that was TRULY separate from the government, so I've never fit into either mold and still don't, but as a veteran, I favor national security and this turd is the biggest threat to America in my lifetime.

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