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Anyone ever wonder if the solution to Americas mass shootings was very simple?

I was talking to an American friend a few years ago and he agreed there was a bit problem in the US with gang shootings, armed robberies, etc.

So I jokingly said "If I was in charge, I'd just arm everyone and give them rubber bullets. If one decides to shoot up the school then you just all fire at them at once"

He took it seriously and thought that rubber bullets was the solution. I still disagree that rubber bullets would solve anything but what do you think?

(NOT the part about arming everyone, JUST the part about rubber bullets?)

So say you need real ammunition for hunting, target shooting or pest control. You'd just need to apply for a license and have an extensive background check. Which would clear you for the rest of your life and allow you access to metal ammunition.

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Lancer 7 Feb 4

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It is the grey matter and not the gun metal that is the problem.
I find it interesting that more common forms of death that we are likely to experience are not so talked about or feared as someone trying to resolve personal conflicts with a firearm. The safer our society becomes the less tolerant we are to the "perceived" threats.


I mean it's not like they would find a way to make real bullets, no after being determined to go out and kill people they'd just have to put up with those old rubber ones. Just like they didn't find a way to convert those weapons into machine guns by getting a converter kit.... Oh wait, they did. Sorry Americans but if you are going to have a country where there are 5,000 guns per head of population, or whatever, and any dang fool idiot can go out and buy one, well it's hardly rocket science that some mentally disturbed people are going to go on a shooting spree. The rest of the world, except maybe a few third world failed states run by war lords, look on the US in this respect with horror. And as for that whatever amendment that allows it, well, constitutions and laws change, don't they? Just takes political courage. I know huge numbers of Americans feel exactly the same way about this. I've known many.

It is a felony to covert a gun to automatic fire. I know gun smiths who don't have a clue of how to convert a fire arm from semi auto, to full auto. It is nearly impossible to do. You would need to be a mechanical engineer, have a lot of machinery, and a skilled a machinist to accomplish such a task. I personally have seen burst fire weapons, there is no easy way too convert a semi-auto to auto. A kit to convert an AR is a rare find, and is strictly controlled by the ATF, not mention the cost is prohibitive.

What you say is pure disinformation.

Most fire arm deaths are self inflicted suicide. Feel free to google anything I have said.

The point being that it is a less than lethal alternative. Also @Leutrelle has made several good points on how difficult it is to get your hands on a full auto.

Personally I believe it is a mental health problem but the source "bad parenting or lack of parenting" will never be solved. Not that it really matters, we never tackle the source of the problem anyway, we just make excuses.

@Lancer @Leutrelle
Las Vegas 2017

Gun Death Statistics

You know, these arguments, like guns don't kill, people do, and if people didn't have guns they'd use something else, might be swallowed in the US but in the rest of the world, they don't fly.

@David1955 Well I'm glad I live in the US. I don't want to be like the rest of the world. Gun ownership is important to me. Like I said most gun deaths are self inflicted suicide, and the majority of the rest of gun deaths happen in the inner city, and there problems are economic.

If you want to stop gun deaths in the inner city then quit sending our industry over seas, and put industry in the inner city! Good paying jobs will great reduce the inner city drug traffic. The inner city folks will choose a safe secure job over slinging drugs. Instead of hating guns, Trump, and anybody who doesn't think like you, maybe put some that negative energy into solving the inner city problems. That where the real tragedy is.

You can make guns completely illegal, and the folks slinging drugs will still have them, the terrorist will still have them, and anybody not right in the head or has criminal intentions will still have guns. The guns and ammo will just come through the open borden, not the closed border to the north, but the open southern border. The hypocrisy on the gun issue is astounding!

In my opinion bump stocks are a gimmick. They hinder target acquisition. A bump stock is not a automatic weapon!

@David1955 An intelligent killer can easily kill 30 people with knives alone. Or start a fire like Grenfell Towers in London. Guns are a tool, removing them just disarms the law abiding citizens and increases the number of innocent people killed in poorer neighborhoods in America where the "data" isn't collected from.

If an intelligent person wanted to, they could kill at least 100 people in one go. But the reason they don't is because of their 1) intelligence and 2) sane state of mind.

America has very little of both at the moment (less sanity but a little intelligence).

We need to focus on the real problem. Degrading mental health as a result of bad parenting. And degrading intellectual ability due to poor attention to classes in school. America as a country has lost it's core values and principles. Leading to more liberal parenting and a culture of "passing on the blame" which has had a detrimental effect on all western societies.

We can't just take away a persons gun, it is the only thing keeping many of them alive. If we remove the guns then crime will increase and all of the dead will litter the streets of the poorer communities.

Now is not a time for disarmament, it is a time for cultural change.

@NFAguy53 Fair enough. I just think that this problem won't end if all guns are taken away. It is a societal problem and it needs to be addressed first before we talk about gun legislation.


Just arm more people with guns with real bullets. That way more people could shoot back so we wouldn’t have many mass shootings as the shooter would get his ass shot before he could shoot very many. Also the shooter might think twice about going on a shooting spree to start with if he knew it was likely people were going to be shooting back.

That makes sense. The only problem I have with that is the fact that I don't trust all these emotional crazy unstable sexually confused but jobs we call "people" with any weapon at all.

If you look at a country like Australia where 66% of tradesmen go to work with at least 1 type of drug in their system. You'd also understand why it would be horrible to arm people like that.

Even though I myself would like to be armed at all times. In case a shooter or terrorist decides to try end my life.

I can't even carry a leather mans in the UK. it's a really good country at making victims.


I think they need to look further into if these shootings are mostly because of SSRIs. If it's a cause of all the shootings then I don't think anything will change any time soon being that SSRIs are a huge part of pharmaceutical companies sales. SSRIs came out in 1982 (Zimeldine). Mass shootings skyrocketed in the 1980s. A lot of mass shooters have been found to be on SSRIs. There might be a link.

You could be right.


More and more I’m looking at ‘my nation’ as a failed experiment... Once feeling superior to the world, now that the easily plucked resources and unlimited open space has been populated, we’ve become like rats in a box. I think it’s up to the civilized nations, however imperfect they be, to show us the way.. Some behaviour might be considered flukes or trends, but having elected the two worst presidents in our history nearly back to back, along with a cavalcade of mass murder … there may be no answers to our dilemma 😐

Varn Level 8 Feb 4, 2018

You can kill someone with a rubber bullet.

I know. The idea was a "less than lethal" alternative


I like the idea of both. I have a concealed weapons permit, and I would like the choice of being able to use lethal or nonlethal force. I have never looked there may already be rubber bullets on the market.

Shooting guns thus far and hopefully for the rest of my life is purely for sport. I love to shoot targets, and the vast majority of gun owners feel the same way. Using a weapon for self defense is the last resort.

I completely agree with you


How about heavily taxing ammunition and gunpowder?

Betty Level 8 Feb 4, 2018

I’ve watched fathers let their kids go without decent shoes yet ‘every payday’ purchase another gun! Those same kind of fanatics have been hoarding powder and bullets for 30 years now, assuming, when ‘all hell breaks loose,’ they’ll not only ‘win,’ but become rich selling guns & ammo.. And when ‘the end times’ don’t arrive, decide to go out taking as many as possible with them...

That'd never work. That just means the poorer people won't be able to afford ammunition to practice. Making them less accurate, causing more damage and possibly injuring innocent bystanders.


Scary thought. 😟


It was a thought. 😉

@Varn If fanatics are hoarding guns and ammunition, then there are less for the bad guys to shoot people with so that would be a good thing.

@dahermit They’ve fed an industry that’s used it’s profits to encourage more consumption and pay off politicians to keep it all going… And with all that ammo out there, there’s more for the bad guys to take..


Wouldn't they just make more? Every time there is a mass shooting gun/ammo sales go up. Isn't it logical that the manufacturers would increase production?

For what purpose? What do you hope to accomplish?


It was just a thought. If ammo is very expensive then the perps would be more careful about waste, and maybe there would be less drive-by shootings. Possibly law enforcement would have more opportunity to concentrate on the underground sales of firearms/ammo instead of the kids on the street in gangs shooting each other.

@Betty I like that a person who makes his own ammo in great abundance to allow me to shoot about 13,140 rounds per year on my home range, if there was an ammo shortage it would up the price and I could make more to sell on the Black Market. I could make some serious money.


The black market being illegal would mean serious jail time if you were caught and since there would be money from taxes the ATF would have the resources to find you.

@Betty There is serious jail time for being a drug dealer but that has not resulted in fewer people addicted to drugs.

"How about heavily taxing ammunition and gunpowder?" Why should those of us who use guns for hunting, target, shooting, etc. have to pay more because there are criminals who use guns to kill people? None of my guns have ever killed anyone.


That's like saying, why should my insurance go up, I've never had an accident?

Tax dollars fund services you'll never use. You don't use women's health clinics, why should you pay for it?

Are you telling me that you have gotten the benefit of all the services that your tax dollars have paid for? If you did then you would be the first one I have heard of.


That's a different conversation since it is a little more complicated. The health profession has a measure of responsibility that hasn't been dealt with.


A foolish "solution" a gun owner, hand loader, and bullet caster, I am not even going to attempt to tell you why inasmuch as you likely would not understand (hint: bullet casters make their own bullets out of METAL). Other than that, why is a U.K. citizen sticking one's nose into American politics...we do not tell you how silly the British system is.

I already said I didn't think it was a real solution. It was a joke I said to a friend.

Also just chill. I'm not your enemy. I enjoy target shooting myself and if I could. I'd shoot almost every day.


look at Britain though it is heading the way of America and if I lived there I would have a couple of dogs and a taser and an alarm.

it's the world we made ourselves

@LeighShelton What ever that means.

well guns and violence are a human trait that we do to our own kind

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