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Football, Kneeling and Respect

I've seen a few comments about the kneeling and football.
Did the kneeling during the anthem impact your interest in American Football? Are you for/against/uninterested in their silent protest.

If you find it disrespectful, why and who/what is being disrespected in your opinion.

Crimson67 8 Feb 4

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31 comments (26 - 31)

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It didn't really impact my interest in the game, but I did like to turn on the first part of the games only to watch the protests during the anthem. It tickles me that it gets Trump all riled up.

I'm for the protest and I don't find it disrespectful in the least.
What I do find disrespectful is the people who use the protest as a weapon against itself by bastardizing it's meaning.

Trying to make the silent protest about insulting the flag, the anthem, and our veterans is shameful.
Like I said yesterday, unquestioned, religion-like patriotism is very dangerous.


I saw zero kneeling wishing I had but many black athletes closed their eyes and held their shoulder pad NOT THE HAND OVER HEART fascism


I think it's a form of civil disobedience, which is perfectly legal and in my opinion, perfectly respectable. Also, I never watch that BS.


Eh. Old news.


land of the free so the song says it's up to them what they do.


I pledged allegiance to the flag despite my island been disrespected on a daily basis somewhere in the mainland. I as a player... I wouldn't take a knee. I would find another way to fight my battle, outside of my job. But that is just me. If my team is not in the game... I have no interest on the game. I really only watch games between the whistles not interested on pre-game shows... I don't do fantasy football, don't care for the analysis or the gossip. Often enough I mute the tv and play music. Today my sister gave me a Red Bacardi Jersey and told me, put the jersey on and watch the show with us. Everyone complaint now that I am the one receiving the jersey and I am not going to drink a single drop of Bacardi. For some... life never going to be fair. I had dropped baseball, softball, volleyball, basketball, boxing, track and field... I can drop football. Like I was taught in the military when I didn't wanted a retirement ceremony because I just didn't care for the honor and ceremony and my Chief told me... Sometimes is not about you... is about those coming behind you... you set the precedence of not having one... maybe the next guy to retire who wants one may not be offered one. So I have mine because the ceremony was larger than me and my career, it was a tradition that civilians and military alike participated and got half a day off paid for drinking and eating on my name... how can I deny that to them, my friends and coworkers. So I let them ring my bell. Because once you make a ceremony, any ceremony a target... nothing good comes out of the action.

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