It ain't the parts of the Bible that I can't understand that bother me, it is the parts that I do understand.
Mark Twain
And that is a scary thought indeed. How that all came together was a dark lost time for humans.
I wonder if most people even have the vaguest clue as to where the Bible even came from?? I cringe when I hear the students at my school say 'I'm going to Bible Study'. I want to say "No you're not. You're going to evangelical indoctrinational activities". There isn't a bit of scholarship that happens at Bible study. If there was, people would freak out!!
You are the first one to make a post using the word, "ain't." The first that I've seen so far. Lol
What bothers about the Bible is that its biggest fans don't understand it very well. I have Christian friends who actually agree with me on that too.
@CarrieVey Are your talking about god or Trump?
@CarrieVey I love that quote from Dawkins and totally concur with your statement on not understanding those who talk of the Biblical god being loving.
@CarrieVey Dawkins could have seen the characteristics of the Old Testament God because "he" was clearly and frankly described, but Dawkins failed to notice the characteristics of the New Testament God who is hidden behind the mask of the good, but in fact he is no better.
So the things with Jesus are more insidious.