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Finding The Calgary Secular Church

Definition of atheism
(By Merriam Webster)
1a : a lack of belief or a strong disbelief in the existence of a god or any gods
b : a philosophical or religious position characterized by disbelief in the existence of a god or any gods

If the only way to convince some people is through religion, then shouldn’t we provide a platform that fulfill that need?

I think I could find this atheist church through Facebook but I don’t use it.

I also would like to know if there are other athiest “churches” in other cities.

I think we need to gain the upper hand and provide us any opportunities as catalyst for change . If religion was a democracy, I’d vote for the one without gods.

skinnymcfatty 4 Oct 30

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why do i care about convincing other people to believe as i do? isn't that what religionists do? why would i want to be like them? and what would atheists DO at a church, anyway? sit around and not pray? rofl! i see no need whatsoever for an atheist church (and while we're at it, i'm jewish, so why couldn't it be an atheist synagogue? but i still wouldn't see a need!)


Thank you for your response, unfortunately, you did not contribute positively to my post, and you seem to be using the wrong application.
You don’t seem to be an open-minded, freethinking, skeptic.
I would encourage you to delete this app and keep your fundamentalistic, unsubstantiated, biassed opinions to yourself.

There’s an app called “Ask the Rabbi” which would probably be more your style.

My post was legitimate, and of course I know that atheists DON’T do religion, but that was the whole point of my post.

For instance, we generally assume that virus means bad, but some of us know that a virus delivers information and therefor can be used to deliver good information.

It’s called reappropriation.

Please try to be positive in any of your future post responses so that I don’t accidentally group anybody that claims to be Jewish with being a full-blown cunt.

Sorry, i re-read your message and it was more inquisitive and less negative than i thought.

My apologies.

I’ll let you draw your own conclusions to your questions because i feel like you and i are not are not close enough in mindset to have a productive conversation.

Please try dumping in your “faith” first,
And then I can talk.

I recommend atheist comedians like
Ricky Gervais, or George Carlin

@skinnymcfatty sorry, what faith am i dumping in? i am an atheist. (and why should i be so eager for you to talk?)

what makes you think i am not familiar with, even fond of, the comedians you name?

you call people cunts and THEN reread them? then you continue to make assumptions?

by the way, if you want only positive comments on your posts, find a place where people don't do this little thing called thinking. no one guarantees you a positive post, especially if you call people cunts.


@genessa i’m completely sorry.
It felt like a theistic interrogation, and i read it as someone trolling my post.

Your response is well thought out/well written and i apologize completly

I was in the wrong frame of mind both when reading and even re-reading.

One can have any atheist “thing” or “place”, literal or figurative, tangible or not:
church, synagog, temple, mosque, monastery, not sure about others.

I’m really just looking for someone to answer my question,
(not reply with a bunch of questions).

Are there any other cities with secular churches or whatever they call their
“ place of “worship” ”??

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