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They have been the pariahs of Europe for nearly a thousand years. Hitler tried to exterminate them in his camps. In the U.K. they have been actively discriminated against. A memorial commemorating their decimation in the 1930-45 period was only erected a year or so ago in Germany. The Jews have had numerous for nearly 70 years.
I am talking of the much maligned Rom. If you have not seen the film below I heartily recommend it - Latcho Drom. It features the fantastic group Taraf de Haidouks that I featured the other day. I made sure my daughter first saw it when she was five in the hope that she will never forget.

FrayedBear 9 Feb 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Love this movie. My favorite scene is in the train station where the little boy gets them to play, and boy do they.

If you're really into this, a fascinating if dense book on the topic is called Romani Routes, by Dr. Carol Silverman. Carol is a professor of Anthropology and Folklore at the University of Oregon (and, as it happens, a friend of mine). She is not Roma herself but has been teaching and performing Romani music for decades, as well as advocating for them around the world. I have taken her singing class several times at a workshop I attend every year and have learned some wonderful music from her.

I don't recall the scene. Are there any recordings available - film and your friend's music? Thank you for the share. I will try and locate a local copy of the book.

@FrayedBear There are definitely recordings available. Look for Esma Redzepova, Ivo Papazov, Yuri Yunakov. There may also be youtube stuff of some of Carol's class performances. Let me work on it.

@chicagojcb I also found Dr Silverman and added her to my "to watch" list. Thanks.


A much maligned group of people

And how. Here is a segment from Charles Parker and Ewan McColl's famous radio ballad "The Travelling People". Note the dreadful ending with the Boswell explanation of the English Rom origins.

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