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If you could make a rule that everyone had to follow, what would it be?

That all practices of religion shall be confined to their edifice of worship or private living quarters. Religion shall not mix with politics nor be used to judge, discriminate, or enforce hatred against another.

SleeplessInTexas 8 Oct 30

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Your mind belongs to you, please use it wisely.

EMC2 Level 8 Oct 31, 2018

Don't say anything to the ladies that you wouldn't want the biggest guy in prison to say to you.


Read the fucking books that describe how modern civilization works.
This way all would understand human rights, what the government should be. What the laws are trying to accomplish. AND the discussions would be in a much higher level without the need to stop every 15 minutes to explain the basics and then proceed the discussion until the next one come thinking he\she knows stuff.


Don't be a dick!

Be a Tom..or even ...a Harry

This was going to be mine.


Don’t be a dick.


Don’t be a dick. That would solve many problems and cover many situations.

To borrow Jim Jeffries' words, "Don't be a €unt".


That every motorist uses their turn signal every time!

That is a rule. Its just not enforced all the time. Perhaps if we all had dash-cams we could replay our driving and send it off to the DMV for prosecution but that would rather big brotherish.




Do or cause no harm.

A slight variation to that rule: Do no harm, and do good when you can.


Always treat others with dignity and respect.


Everyone has to learn to play a musical instrument or sing!


Regardless of religious or spiritual background, the golden rule is good, but needs to be qualified with "under similar circumstances" so that people can at least put themselves in the other person's shoes for a moment, and understand their experience. So, "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you, under similar circumstances." That to me would be acting human, since we do have empathy. I'd rather people have to think a bit before acting (or reacting) rather than follow blindly some rules in a book. The world would be a better place.


I’ll let you do what you want, as long as it doesn’t violate my rights, and I’ll do what I want without violating your rights.


Live long and prosper. Oh, and while you're doing that, avoid being a dick.


The golden rule still stands with me: treat others as you'd like to be treated by them.


Don't be a fucking asshole.


Don’t eat animals.

@Shawappa44820 The question is about what rule I would make and I answered it. I don’t need to hear smartass remarks designed to piss me off. Besides, if I can make the rule then I can decide the consequence for breaking the rule, like death.

@Shawappa44820 That’s what this whole topic is about.

I genuinely feel guilty for eating animals but they are essential for my body nutrition needs. Will stop eating animals when I have a TRUE substitute that provides me with all the needed nutritions.

@goldenvalleyguy We are used to that though aren’t we. Hey, for the purposes of this post, I’m allowed to make whatever rule I want.

Well my rule is to stop forcing your lifestyle upon others, that pisses people off more than a comment that shouldn't bother you.

@Shawappa44820 No, you're a dick because you're a dick!

I don’t want any arguments or name calling here. I just answered the original question with my own particular answer. Nobody is asked to agree or disagree with it.

I can answer this question the way I want to. Just as anyone else can answer this question the way they want to. Not everyone has to like other people’s rules. That’s not part of the question. And I’m not reading anymore reactive responses because I’ve heard all the excuses before.


Drop the political correctness and regain your sense of humour


Mind your own business.


I love your rule. Here's mine:

Be kind to yourself and others, both humans and other animals.


Take a shower daily.


Treat others how you want to be treated. If this was a code that everyone must follow, the world would be a much better place.

Good post!


Rules, rules, we don't need no stinken rules.

I prefer the rule of law rather than anarchy.


Live and let live.


"Leave me the Fuck alone"... so it will be written... so it will be done!

Only replying to bug you

@273kelvin Much Appreciated!


Claims of the supernatural, paranormal, and divine cannot be made without irrefutable proof.

JimG Level 8 Oct 31, 2018
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