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QUESTION Religious extremists 'trying to pervert education' - BBC News

"Ofsted inspectors are increasingly brought into contact with those who want to actively pervert the purpose of education.

"Under the pretext of religious belief, they use education institutions, legal and illegal, to narrow young people's horizons, to isolate and segregate, and in the worst cases to indoctrinate impressionable minds with extremist ideology.

"Freedom of belief in the private sphere is paramount, but in our schools it is our responsibility to tackle those who actively undermine fundamental British values or equalities law."

zblaze 7 Feb 5

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This is happening now more actively under a Trump regime in the USA.


Religious and nationalist extremists have perverted education to the point that people literally think that education is schooling. However, I learned it was the acquisition of knowledge. They can keep their bogus knowledge, give me facts.


This article is concerned about a certain type of religion. It's called Islamic Fundamentalism.


Even with the explicit separation of church and state in the US, this kind of crap happens here too. Creation "science" anyone?

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