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The New York Times is a very liberal paper and has favoured them for a long time.


Trump doesn’t want a war. He just wants to rein in that nut in North Korea and check those radical Islamic nuts in Iran. Hell Obama endangered us more than Trump by giving 400 billion to those radical Shiite Muslims in Iran. How do you think the American hostages feel about Obama giving Iran all that money after holding them hostage for all that time.

if Trump doesn't want war he is doing a damn good job of fooling people. I don't find anything about Trump to be decent, intelligent, to show any depth of character, or humanity.

@HippieChick58 I could never stand Obama and his racist trouble maker advisor Al Sharpton. After 8 years of that almost anything would be an improvement but if Trump does get us into a war that I feel is unjustified which I don’t think he will I may change my mind.


You can find LAWRENCE WILKERSON, Col, also on TRNN, (The real news network.) A Canadian based news source owned by Paul Jay. One of my favorite news sources I've been following for several years. Although I'm highly disappointed in the addition of Nina Turner to their programs, I find most other information from TRNN to be reliable. We have the same issues going on with Syria and Venezuela to this nature. Out last week, our government spent 1 million $ on helping to create and spread the protest in Iran last month to purposely cause chaos in hopes to create a narrative to further support reason to spread the war into Iran. Our CIA spends millions in Venezuela for the same reasons supporting the opposition to their government. Then our media here spreads the propaganda of false narratives to manage the perception that the government there is failing its people. While we support terrorist in Syria and spread false claims of chemical weapons use to use as a reason for government change in that country.


It's pretty clear Trump wants a war. The only saving grace is he doesn't seem able to focus long enough to decide if we should attack Israel, North Korea, or Canada.

45th ( I refuse to even type his name) have the attention spam of an amoeba

Trump has no reason to attack Israel as he is on a lot better terms with them than that Idiot Obama whose policies caused a lot of turmoil in the Middle East!

@Trajan61, ??? Really. What turmoil did Obama cause? But more importantly, is Trump really on good terms with Israel? Or is Trump being played for a fool by Isreal (and everyone else)? Trump is playing with real danger with his move to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. That is already exploding in his face.


good article. there is an echo


good read. While opinion it's well argued. It does make me pine for the days of actual news reporting.


"Actual news reporting" seems vaguely familiar...


Powell is right. The Trump cabal is dangerous.

So is Ike, Nixon, Kissinger, Ford, ReaGUN Bush Crime Family Slick Willie Billary Obusha Obombney. ...TrumpOLINI is just pouring more gasoline on 3 dozen war crime fires than most predecessors

@GreenAtheist There is a world of difference between Trump and the rest you mention. I often disagreed with them, but they were usually somewhat rational and did try to do what they thought is right. Trump is an egomaniacal , irrational and totally self-centeredsociopath.

@wordywalt Ike gave us IN gawd WE TRUST on the money and did nothing to stop McCarthyism

@wordywalt Nixon was a paranoid ego maniac without the billion$ to bully his way to the White House

@Shelton Kissinger is a convicted war criminal actually supporting TrumpOLINI "temptation" to nuke NKPR

@Shelton ReaGUN arrogance got hundreds of Marines murdered in Beirut because of ReaGUN incompetence bankrupting our nation into 3 trillion$ senseless debt 500 ship Navy mostly restoring old diesel WW2 ships with his vicious lies Carter was a big spender

@Shelton all of the cited war criminals in White House DO NOT DESERVE "somewhat rational" kudos ALL PAVED THE WAY FOR TRUMPolini

@GreenAtheist Ir was during the Eisenhower administration that McCarthy was discredited.

@GreenAtheist Proof?

@GreenAtheist Yes, Reagan overspent on the military. I almost totally disagreed with his ideology. But I cannot place him in the same abysmal class as the egomaniacal, morally bankrupt sociopath Trump. If you cannot make that distinction, I question your judgment.

@wordywalt McCarthy was shamed on national TV by a single witness in HUAC hearings. ...this tiny fact has nothing to do with Ike being a criminal theocratic signer of CIA takeover of Iran 1953 and 8 years of military industrial evils....a single farewell address warning of what Ike built again is not rational and similar to TrumpOLINI speeches 13 months now


The New York Times is liberal trash so I’m not inclined to believe anything they publish.

@FortyTwo touche

Trajan61, what do you consider a reliable source for news?

@Dick_Martin Fox News, Breitbart or the Drudge Report. The New York Times, NBC, CBS, ABC and especially CNN have been strongly favouring the liberals for years. Also as a life long cattleman I get a lot of reports from the National Cattlemens Beef Association and the Oklahoma Cattlemens Association. As a gun owner I also read The Rifleman which is a National Rifle Association publication. The liberals have pretty much zero support from the cattlemans and gun organizations.

@FortyTwo Bush was never that good of a president and certainly no where nearly as good as Trump as he got us into the Iraq war where we spent billions for pretty much zero gain.

@FortyTwo I don’t think he’s pushing for war with Iran. Show me the proof of that.


I'd be tempted to say about the repeated folly wars the US military-industrial-political-corporate complex has gotten the US, and usually my country as well, into, which then involves a lot of good honourable everyday people making the sacrifice to fight them: Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. But I think it's more like: Fool me at least 10 times shame on you, fool me 11 times total shame on me. You know? Really.

and so many young people sacrificed in the game

@btroje Not if you have a doctor to claim you have an Achilles' heel...I mean a burr...a bur.... Fuck it! Not if his pussy ass pays to profit from a war rather than fight it. Those who sacrificed have respect; he does not.

@EllenDale I would rather just not have war. Respect doesnt do you much good when you are dead


Just like cops who shoot down unarmed blacks in USA hunts


Greed and murderous pentagon gangsters are not morons they are cold evil calculating trophy hunters of people and homelands

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