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Do men ever find women with short hair attractive?

Kelkat 5 Feb 6

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YES they do! So many were in love with Audrey Hepburn!

@NerdyOkieDude She's simply stunning!


sure, if she spends less time washing and drying her hair we have more time to do something fun


I certainly do and even find bald women attractive.
ETA: Hey, I love women.


Short hair is hot. I love being able to see the back of the neck.

Cool I like that necks can be very sexy.


In my experience, they're mostly not picky about anything: hair, body type, style of dress. Some are, sure--but most of the men I've come across (heh) wouldn't kick you out of bed for something like hairstyle. You like what you like, but that doesn't necessarily make it important when connecting with someone. I'm the same way.

P.S. I've keep my hair from shorter to very short pretty much my whole adult life and I've done well.

Preferences are that just preference nothing set in stone.


Yes,It can definitely be very sexy on some females




Of course ...


Would you like a man who prefers short hair? Seems so can grow long colored...personality however...well...that's pickle isn't it?

I am not usually attracted to a man until I am attracted to him personally. Then, he seems more physically attractive too. I can't think of anyone I have been attracted to where the hair (or lack thereof) mattered. Many men tell me that their interest in a woman has to start with physical attraction.


Sure. Consider hair to be individual preference. Do prefer well kept.


What kind of shallow dope defines a woman’s attractiveness by how many inches her hair is? The question is, why would women find a tool like that attractive?




I love it!!!


Back in the day, Grace Kelly rocked the short do. Scarlett Johansson does it today.


Depends on both the hairstyle and on the personality of the woman.


Reverse the question and ask it of men with long hair. Does that change the perspective?

@Tecolote me too !

Woman love long hair dudes it’s called the Sampson syndrome, yo nearly dread , locks shining in the sun. Or roped up in tribal dreads or weaves blinged up with rings and other jewels etc. . Liberal hippy Rasta l pro choice , Beyoncé loving , belive your a rapper or r& b star . Long hairs up there with clean toenails. Lol.

I just think it is the natural state. Well, obviously.


Short answer: definitely. Your hair, your choice.
So, buzzed, shaved, or just bobbed/pixie?
I like enough to grab, but , hey, sex, right?
My favorite was muscular w/short hair, I am slender athletic w/ponytail. Often misidentified from behind. Hilarious.
Be yourself: it's a detail.


Sure, I like a woman without hair too, but also, important is the personality


Absolutely! Beautiful is beautiful! Throughout my life I've lost little pieces of my heart to women with long hair, short hair, undercut, buzzed, natural color or unnatural, you name it... if I see a woman I think is beautiful, then she is to me, regardless of Type stuff. Great question!

By the way, the lens-flare in your profile pic makes your hair look bright blue with black lowlights. You should consider that... it looks good on you!

@DobbinPitch Thanks!




yes for sure. some woman looks better with short hair. its a bit shallow looking at someone and the length of there hair putting you off. most people are shallow, especially men. I used to have long hair when I was younger but as soon as I went thin on top I shaved it right off. this was about 25 years ago when it was not trendy at all. there was literally different woman smiling at me with short hair than with long hair as I live in a small town. even my ex-hated my bald head too. so shallow, you got to be you above anything else.

You look good either way.

exactly thank you x


Yes. Hair length isnt realy that important. However hair care and style is important to me

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