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LINK How to Help Loved Ones with PTSD

8 helpful tips to help a person cope with PTSD

jondspen 7 Nov 4

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not a bad article though it assumes a few things that are not necessarily true, such as that the person with ptsd won't get help or isn't getting help. in addition, not all of us have nightmares -- or got our ptsd from being in the military. i got mine at least partly from awakening in the middle of eye surgery when i was three years old.


Yea...but it came from a veteran's site, so that's probably why it takes a vets slant on it. I was going to put in ServiceMembersHangout, but felt it was too important to limit to just that group.

As far as your PTSD, I can't even imagine how freaked out that must have been, esp at that age.

@jondspen it has affected my life profoundly. i am working on it. the kicker is, probably no one knew, even at the time, that it happened. i was probably given more paralytic rather than more anesthesia, if i moved or anything. that's the usual reaction. but i remember it as if i were three years old and seeing that scalpel (to a baby, that's a needle) coming at my eye.


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