Some good advice.
she lost me at about a minute and a half by saying we have ONE core commitment. that can't be true. humans are not like that. she also defines "commitment" so loosely that i could say my commitment at any given moment is to dinner, or to petting the cat. okay, so then there's the CORE commitment, just one, right. nope. i'm still listening (despite poor sound quality) but it's getting worse and worse. her examples, seeming to try to be specific, are more and more general (being committed to one's own happiness? how general can you GET?) and is this all about relationships, or should it be? ach, no, i can't listen anymore. she's all over the place. sorry. there may be some good advice in here. it's buried in the generalities. okay, six minutes was more than enough. sorry. if it's meaningful to you, great! i am not listening any more.
I just thought it was an interesting perspective. I think what she's saying is it's a good idea to figure out who you are, and to be true to that self. I agree she's all over the place, but I like the general idea.
@celticagent i think the general idea is said much better, more specifically, and without having to dig for it, elsewhere. i am not criticizing your sharing it -- but i'm also not digging the thing itself. now i am thinking, who said it better? i can't promise i'll be back with the answer but i will be if i think of it (although you could always just quote shakespeare and say "to thine own self be true." that takes a lot less than 15 minutes lol