They do report facts. Even on Fox, Shepherd Smith does report facts. The network news report facts. PBS reports facts. Don't confuse opinion outlets like MSNBC and Fox other than Smith with news.
I do not watch Faux news and know nothing about Shepherd Smith, but if he is a Faux news personality and he reported "facts" he would no longer be with Faux news. Just my opinion of course.
@jlynn37 You are wrong. He does the news. He criticizes the night time personalities, and they don't like it at all. On top of that he is gay. I'm surprised they haven't fired him either. I don't watch FOX, but l do check in on them to see what they aren't talking about. I have caught Smith and he reports the news. He is not doing opinion.
Most people obtain their information from news reporting by written word or the TV these days. They accept this information as fact without researching any of this . Many simply do not know how to do the research which should be taught in our schools as mandatory classes.
@CommonHuman You are just saying something without one example.
@CommonHuman Who decides what truth is? Trump?
@Bignate901 It really isn't that hard. If it happen the way it is reported.
@Marine I am only talking about Smith. He just reports the news. They have to have that show to call it Fox News. MSNBC is not called MSNBC News because it is not news. It is opinion. Without Smith. it would just be Fox. I know what you are saying, but nothing will save those people are not bright. They make decisions based on emotions not reason.
@CommonHuman Investigative reporting is almost dead because of corporate ownership of the news media.