As a technical Genius. I honestly think this curse should be considered a mental disorder. I am not saying my number but I will say if this is the price of being a Genius it is truly stupifying.Then again it could be me.
I see the words genius, smart etc as something useless. Yet I cower away from accepting it as part of me no matter how many people say it about me. I try to be dumb because that is what society likes. To be frank I am probably one of the dumbest "geniuses" anyone will ever meet. I call myself a dumb genius for a reason. I may be one technically but by my actions or my grammar (you may cringe. see what I did there) you could not possibly tell.
A lot of other Geniuses though agree with me and to an extent see the world how I do. A grey, boring 2D blob, so predictable, and I am never surprised. Though the keys to never being surprised only lies in 4 answers for any possible situation.
I think it would better to be dumb but then I see the dumb and go maybe I have it lucky. Albeit I can do nothing with this brain due to me being disabled.
(I am partially doing this due to boredom, partially to share my views and to get points because fuck it why not.)
I've found that , generically speaking , high IQ folks , seem more likely , to be less socially adept . I don't think it's because they consider themselves above others . They consider themselves , "normal ." I think it's more because of the difficulty in understanding , how others can believe and live by , some of the weird things they consider real or normal . And slowly back away . And , yes, living with disabilities does present more of a challenge .