Heya all! Iām Marc. I really like the setup of this site. The points system and posts really seems to help interactions and sharing of knowledge.
Welcome brother... it's real easy in here. Read, research, share the facts, ask questions, and be nice. Oh yes.... meet new friends and have fun.
A hierarchy given, by no logistic ratio, I'm sure I will never achieve more than zero, zed Nada night, etc, that's fine, I own my own self esteem, I get that being in a Fri he group can be hard, but I am happy, as are many millions of us, we are hardly alone, unique, and do not need to be rated by any governmental management, we are strong for the fact we can live by our way and do so,well, walk away from a system of valuation and move to ideas of known self governing thought, minds and real interaction. Basically what you are doing is a variety of Scientology, and we all know that's a huge load of BS, real people can talk, think and have minds of their own without a gradient, trust me, I may be an idiot but at least I admit it,. Btw, 160 I, so not an idiot... For anyone who seeks real thought not gradient hierarchy, I'm here, and I'm sure I'll always be a zed, awesome.
I actually think the point system is a very horrible way of dealing with human interaction, makes me feel bad and served little purpose
I have no interest in the point system and I am here for the friendly comments and of course the ever present confirmation bias and to meet new people.
Points are not something that I have set out to acquire. They are simply what I have accrued by interacting on here. Much like a golf handicap or chess ranking. However I can see the logic of giving more trustworthy members the responsibilities of a, being able to post without vetting and b, vetting other posts. It does make for an more easier, self-governing site.
PS I use the term " trustworthy " not because I am any better than others. Only in so much that I have not been proven to be a troll