I thought pride is not a good thing, nor is penis envy...??
Every time I 'm feeling down and read something like this, it lifts me no end
.....and sometimes it VERY HARD!!!
...and mostly very short...........jijijijij
I believe in my penis
You don't have other choice.........lol
I recommend a TEDtalks by sophia wallace Amazing and spot on. . . I love the reaction of my children when I use the word clitorus. As I've aged they think I'm sexless Sooo when we were discussing having great sex I said if My clitorous isn't involved Only one pperson is having a great time" Hands over ears and I thought my sons would faint My grandchildren pprobably shared the story with friends
Very amusing story!
I love this one! Good advice. Also serving a dual purpose as apparently some people need to be reminded about the same rules for their genitals.