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`As I turn 50 this month, I am contemplating my life, and my lack of living life.
First what makes turning 50 so traumatic (traumatic may be too strong of a word.) It comes done to the math. When hitting a decade mark, you think about life at twice that age. At all decades prior you consider reaching twice your age as something possible. At age 50 you realize your chances of making 100 as being very unlikely. So, more than ever, you know you are closer to your last day on Earth, then your first day.
I wished I had done some things sooner, and I want to experience more of some things I have done. And a few things I still want to try.
And I am always looking for someone to experience these things.

TheOmegaAtheist 3 Feb 7

Enjoy being online again!

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50 = meh, 30 was my cruncher.
30 was my turning point, I had peaked in my career and chucked it in, so was standing on the edge of a big void.
60 coming up this year, haven't thought about it yet.


It's just a number. The reality is that no one knows when their last day will be. It could be a day from now, a year from now, five decades from now. Live your best life for however long you have and can. Happy birthmonth!!


When I turned 50, I was apprehensive, too. But after I did, I felt, "okay, another decade to reinvent myself." Seriously, I have more of an appreciation of life now than I did years ago - even with the regrets of things I haven't done, and there are many. But I realize I can't live looking behind at the past, I have to deal with where I am right now and do what I can with what I have. I can't worry about the future, either - all I can do is what I can today, and if I do the best I can right now, the future will take care of itself.

Oh, and happy birthday!!


At 50, you can see the light at the end of the tunnel - some think it's a train, some think it's a way out. The truth? As Shakespeare said, "There is nothing either good or bad, it's thinking that makes it so." Cheers!

jeffy Level 7 Feb 7, 2018

Early Happy Birthday! When I turned 50, I was pretty astounded that I had lived that long... 🙂

Men tend to have more anxiety around birthdays ending in zero. So lots of this is pretty normal. I'd suggest planning to do the things you want to do over the next ten years. Look forward, not backward. Maybe think about moving to a larger city where there will be more people like you. Good luck!


50 means you got 17 years left before full retirement... make as much as you can for your future.... life is an illusion so your not missing out on anything. Just put 1000 away a month. Keep the same old truck. Your going to have plenty of fun when you retire... I lnow these things...

Darn, there are many countries you retire at 50 years old. FIFTY YEARS OLD. Many countries.


First off, 50 isn't fatal, I promise.
Unless, you know something you didn't mention, you have plenty of time to do all sorts
of things. If you want to, that is.
Just live your life as you see fit. Try not to lament past mistakes, just learn from them.
All that said, Happy Birthday (early)!!!


Regardless of age, live your life as you see fit, for your own purpose and your own happiness. Treat others as you would want to be treated, do nothing to anyone that you would not want done to you and do no harm. (IMHO)

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