I don't think this guy understands how elections work...
Sounds to me like he should take it as a message from the almighty, telling him to sit down and shut his pie hole - a message so straight-forward, an evangenital should be able to understand it!
I see this as just more obfuscating the facts. People are trying to gain power and influence by playing the 'god' card yet they forget Matt 22:21 that says: "give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God". When growing up in the Catholic church we were constantly told to not get involved with state matters (of course the church constantly did and still does).
Republicans have been using strong arm tactics to overthrow the will of the people for years. When one party creates voter suppression and the other works to get as many people to the polls as it can that's a pretty surefire sign that something is broken. Statistics say that when more people vote, Democrats win.