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QUESTION The Flat Earth FB page shared this video about

(BTW I don't follow this page, I definitely believe the earth is round, the video showed up on my timeline for some reason)

So this video showed up on my timeline, the interviewer tries to argue that God (funny how he thinks it's specifically his God and no possibility of any other one) is the only possible thing that could've created life because "something can't come from nothing". He uses DNA as an example that how could DNA come to be from nothing. A girl explained it in the beginning but it's as if he disregarded it, well probably because he was arguing that it couldn't just come from the big bang theory. Obviously I think it's wrong and not a great way to defend his claim. There was a commenter on the video who explained it better than I did and I'll quote him. I'd love to hear others thoughts on the video as well. My apologies it's a long comment:

"This is just about the worst piece of religious propaganda I've ever seen. the filmmaker asks impressionable, young, college age kids insane questions and then asks if it gets them thinking. Every answer is taken out of context. If you take the words on the page if a book and try to make that analogous to a sequence of human DNA and then ask if they think it's an accident of course they after going to be confused and say it gets therm thinking. Every subject was a young impressionable millennial, not one person was a scientist or even theologian for that matter.

The idea of comparimg the words on a page to a sequence of DNA is s ridiculous way of making a point. Writing a piece of literature is a human construct and by definition not an accident. A DNA sequence is the result of a frew billion years of evolution (yes random chance encounters, survival of the fittest). The guy doing this video refers to the human DNA sequence as "the book of DNA" (clever title) and then makes the argument that because the words on the page of a book are made through intelligent thought then so must DNA. Well DNA isn't on a book and it is chaos, but order is found in chaos all the time. Take the Mandelbrot set for example. The Mandelbrot set is generated by what is called iteration, which means to repeat a process over and over again. In mathematics this process is most often the application of a mathematical function. The output, when plotted, will not end. It will produce every shape there is, it will go to infinity. Order in the chaos.

Finally the video ends on its weakest note. Forcing people to make an assumption about the creation of everything while the filmmaker shoves his ideals at the subjects. You can't make something out of nothing right? The filmmaker proposes God did that. An easy explanation to do since one doesn't exist. Steven Hawking once said on this subject that the human mind simply isn't capable of understanding things like forever and time before time. However, there is certainly mire evidence to show that the big bang did (and is) happening. Our dear filmmaker tries to say there was no big bang. However, modern telescopes tell us a lot more than they used to and we can actually see that the universe is still expanding from the big bang. In fact, it's expanding so fast that if we could travel at light speed in an infinite amount of time, we'd never even leave our local group of galaxies. So how did we get created from nothing? The filmmaker may be right we can't be created from nothing. Unless of course that nothing was actually a something. A very very dense something called a singularity. Think of the density of billions and billions of black holes imploding on themselves. Nothing would escape and eventually the universe would all be devoured by this hyper mega giant black hole and it eventually collapses under its own weight and then it happens again..... the big bang.... destined to repeat and repeat." James Johnson

LadyStardust96 5 Oct 25

Enjoy being online again!

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They never ask where God comes from.

godef Level 7 Dec 15, 2017

What I got was more Ray Comfort (the Banana Man) nonsense.


I heard the flat earthers have members all around the globe. lulz


Life is too, short to waste another 12 minutes watching the garbage again.


What's funnier than this is "Old Earth Creationists" torturing the Hebrew to make it look like Genesis is scientifically accurate.

Now i gotta watch it lol


I couldn't watch it all ... it was ruining my dinner !


This is taking stupid to a whole new level.

Stupid is the new cool.


I kind of like it when those who are clearly nut cases try to make a case for religion. They make atheists look really cleaver with our having to say a single thing.


How can the earth be flat when we are living on the back of a turtle and the shell has a curve to it? LOL


I've watched it. It's so fallacious. Lol.

James Level 4 Oct 25, 2017
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