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Do you really want to live forever?

No matter what religion people believe or don’t -nobody wants to die. or is it —- we are just afraid of how we will die?

DavidinOC 4 Nov 8

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I'm not afraid of the lights going out. Why should I be? I don't believe in hell. But, I admit I am somewhat afraid of how I might die. Known too many people who have died slow painful deaths. As for living forever, we have no idea what the psychological impact of living forever might be. For all we know it might overwhelm our brains so much as to slowly drive us insane. Another thing, no one who believes they are going to heaven wants to live forever. Any theist who tells you they want to live forever has just confessed to not believing in heaven...either that or they think they are going to hell.


It's nice to have options. I'd take biological immortality if it were offered and was affordable / practical and added "healthspan" and not just lifespan. But I have no actual desire to live forever. My motivation would be curiosity about how things play out. About what it might be like to live in a space colony or to be a fourth-wave Martian settler. Things like that.

At some point I'd not want to have more new experiences, but it would be nice for that to be entirely my choice, my timing, and on my terms.

Dying is not the problem, the process of dying and the attendant suffering is the problem. It's too slow and too full of various miseries and progressive indignities. But death itself? Non-existence wasn't the slightest problem for me before I existed, and it wouldn't be the slightest problem after I exist.


Hell, I want to live forever. Why wouldn't I? I don't want to grow old either. I don't want to get sick. I suppose at least some (?) of these are inevitable. Just because they are inevitable, it doesn't mean I have to like it.


Being affraid won't stop it from happening.... why bother???


I like the thinking that my remains get to help flora and fauna do their things. Yet, I also don't want to do that eternity thing, especially with the theists I have associated with.


No. I am afraid of dying, but not death. I definitely don't want to live forever, but I want dying to be quick and painless.


Nah. Living and watching generations of loved ones come and go depressing. If you lived forever you will have eventually done everything. Living forever would be a nightmare.


I'm OK with the fact that I'll eventually die. It's not that big a deal, really. But if I had the chance to live for as long as I wanted - not necessarily an eternity - then I'd take it. Just think about how vast and incredible this universe is. Imagine if you could be there for the first Mars colony, the first expedition outside the Solar System, the first sight of a supernova. There's enough in this universe to keep you entertained for five billion years or more. But is there an infinite amount? That's the only thing which makes me hesitate.


I'd love to live forever because there's so much that I'd love to see and learn - but I know that it'll never happen and that's what feeds the desire to be immortal.


That second part.


Having an end means that I try to appreciate what time I've got, but sometimes it is sad knowing that there is still so much to explore and that I'll barely touch the tip of what there is to know and do.

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