Are you planning on attending the 2019 Athiest Convention in Cincinnati April 19-21? Have you ever been? What's your thoughts? I'm thinking of attending for first time.
I will be going
Hope to see you there. BTW, we have the same birthday!
Did attend a small convention a few years back met Arron Ra, Matt Dillahunty and a few others. Not planning on attending the 2019 convention.
Depends on my schedule, what they plan on doing and who else is attending.
Here’s all I could find, looks like they’re still lining up guests…
Good question. I may be one of the ‘oldest,’ having started quiet young ..members of AA ..yet I’ve never attended a convention. Out in Oregon, they were either too far away (to drive), or I was mired in fatherhood.. I read about them, their speakers, and of course once attended by the Murray O’Hair’s.
Not sure what I’ll be doing in April ...likely the part-time job I love ..and that no one else can apparently do if I were gone. So the best I can do is donate from afar … if a bit closer than Ore. Keep us posted, though ~
I lived in Oregon until 2013...its just hard to leave it period! My son still lives there.
@Lovemylife1 Lost enough there that I just had to be somewhere else, along with my concern over the looming ‘big one’... Glad I experienced it when I did, before Portland got weird Over East now, I’ll often be shocked, thinking - that’s only 6 hours away!
I live just across the river from Cincinnati, but I’ll be skipping this event. It just doesn’t sound interesting.
lol if it's your thing, go (but -- not trying to be grammar nazi but since it's an atheist convention it could matter -- please spell atheist right! you never know who will hold that against you!) me, i don't... convene, ya know? i mean, i am aware that there are no gods. i am also aware that there is no tooth fairy. i don't go meet with folks about the latter so why the former? now, if they are also secularist, meaning they talk about stuff like making sure church and state are separate, and all that, that would be interesting to me. but just talking about why or how there are no gods? i've been an atheist since i was 15 and i think i am pretty secure in my lack of belief in deities.
Thanks for the input. I'm usually a spelling Nazi myself. Think I posted in the middle of the night in between my bronchitis coughing fits! I am just curious...and it's closer than it's been in years and can actually afford to go.
@Lovemylife1 i approve of curiosity lol. and i just got over five weeks of bronchitis, and when i say over, i mean it's down to a dull roar. you have my sympathy.