Something that has always mystified me was how little I understand love. I think I know when I'm in love, but when I sit and think about what it is that I'm feeling it doesn't line up very well to my definition of love. The definition lacks the nuances of my feelings
I define love as a chemical reaction in my brain that triggers a euphoric feeling that pushes my consious drive to want to share myself and protect another individual from harm.
If we could explain it to anyone we would always be with our first love because we would do anything they wanted and they would know it because we could explain it.
To me love is a journey to a deeper understanding of another human. Attraction is the motivation. Family, friends and romantically that seems to always be the case for me.
I mean I admire some of my guy friends for different things but still an admiration that keeps me always saying...yeah, man, I have time for you. I love my family and the attraction is likely growing up together and that familiarity. Attraction for the opposite sex varies.
There are always women/girls/ladies that I marvel at how they carry themselves and I can't help but want to know everything about. For those people there is a thrill learning about them. Even the mundane is somehow someway intriguing
an intense desire to see the 'lovee' again which dwindles into companionship (I am 70 y.o.)- I have been with my partner for over 30 years and love him to bits and know he loves me. We see each other every day for dinner adn tea and later for T.V documentaries for a while before bed . He lives above me in sheltered accommodation so we don't sleep together. We own a van together though I don't drive it - too big for me and I am full on in love with this guy & he is ver y sweet with me we are both loners /losers but happy together and usually shun th r outside world unless needed, because we have plenty of our own things to do .
Sounds like you found your perfect “balance”. Good for you!
Love is Desire to be near, missing some one when not there, wanting to PLEASE another, being PLEASED with another, accepting mistakes, DESIRING some one Sexually as well as Mentally
kindness & respect coming effortlessly. being on fire. melting unconditionally.
“Never having to say your sorry”. Ryan and Ali and Erich Segal, circa 1970
I love my children. I love their children. I Love babies. I love animals. I'm done on the rest of it.