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When Political Stunts Go Way Too Far

I really Feel Sorry for our Troops....Dont They Sacrifice Enough!

We have this department called I. C. E. that should handle this.....


twshield 8 Nov 10

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trumper likes to use force he doesn't even command in this situation to show his base how serious he is and tough. Fake strength


15,000 troops to stop about 3,000 refuges. Seems like over kill to me.


Better use maybe, send them to California for search and rescue, clear debris and start building shelters for those impacted by the fires ?.


This is a huge waste of taxpayer money as well. But congress doesn't care because when its time to start banging the drum about cutting spending because of the bloated deficit no one will remember this gross misappropriation - they will simply go after Medicaid, Medicare and eventually Social Security.


This is a miserable use of America’s troops who should be serving in a far more useful way

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