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LINK Changes and Reflections: Rights of Nonbelievers Publicly Acknowledged at UN -

The mantle of respect and protection is perhaps needed more today than ever. It is always necessary when those in power subject their fellow citizens or others to harassment, marginalization, and demonization.

We’re seeing this now in the Trump administration, and we must witness and fight it with words and nonviolent action. We see the fatalism of a growing cadre of leaders who are trying to demand compliance to their policies through the strength of force rather than the power of their words or the fostering of community.

zblaze 7 Nov 10

Enjoy being online again!

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I also expect worse times, but fear it may not get better, as @Mortal does. Although, our improving technology will be able to provide food, clothing, shelter and medical care for everyone for free in a post-scarcity economy.

Alvin Toffler wrote Future Shock, which explained technology is changing our lives more an more quickly, and our culture is changing in sync with technology changes. Conservatives, such as fundamentalists, do not adapt to change well. They resist change, for example the slogan, Make America Strong Again. In fact, the American military is already the strongest in the world, by far. For example, Russia has one aircraft carrier, smaller than any one of our nine major aircraft carriers. China, I think, has just finished a second aircraft carrier, based on the design of the Russian carrier. Our military has the power to fend off an attack from any consortium of armies in the world today because of nuclear munitions.

The Make America Strong Again mantra is IMO a reaction to incredibly fast cultural and technological changes affecting conservatives. AI and automation will take all jobs, thereby freeing us from the drudgery of working and potentially making a post-scarcity "so called socialist" economy, because it can provide everything we need. Corporations are automating to eliminate workers and expenses of employing workers. Full automation and no jobs creates a crisis, a pseudo paradox, because no jobs seems to mean people starve to death because they are not allowed to work. In addition, capitalism must fail, because people can buy nothing without money from working.

This pseudo paradox is easy to remedy, except it requires a cultural change, which conservatives resist. If we are to survive we must let the AI and robots provide for us, and be content living in a post-scarcity society. Inherently there is nothing religious about this change. The increase in the number of secular people is also a cultural change that threatens conservatives. The increasing speed of change causes Future Shock, a condition in which people are confused and feel danger that is beyond the real danger. Some will become irrational and lash out at perceived dangers, such as liberals who oppose their ideas.

Climate Change is another change people resist. They resist it, even though such resistance is making our climate worse, and the result will be extinction. Future Shock seems to be affecting liberals, who usually like change. Even on this site, people seem reluctant to face climate change and try to do something about it; although, many have changed their lives by rejecting religion. Future Shock makes us resistant to change, and if we cannot overcome it, we will surely allow things to become worse and worse until we are all dead.


when the united nations was founded, several countries objected to its charter's not containing something about god! this is indeed progress.



It's about bloody time!

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