###blocking a god believer?
I came into this community for free enjoyable exchanges with reasonable folks who, like me, do not believe in religious mumbo-jumbo.
if you, as it happened to me now, would repeatedly stumble over someone's comments in regards to his/her belief in god & all the bs, would you rather block that person?
Block them for sure if make more than 2 attempts to drive there dogma down your throat. I joined this site to talk to open minded and non 2 faced people. I've felt more excepted by this community in the last 5 mos. than all the years, I was involved in the religious bs.
thank you for the encouragement. i have a tendency to be torn between tolerance of even the most funnily tantrum-throwing delusionist & the desire for a state of freedom-from-religion clarity - but of course, if the theist isn't tolerant of my refusal to believe, then that option is already broken.
I wouldn't block them, unless they were being offensive.
That said, when I see posts about God and related, I always think..."Are you lost?"
Second point = artifact of mental culture that fails to appreciate or encourage exploring--and testing--opposing ideas.
I always thought it was weird whenever people would look askance at me for immersing myself in something that wasn't my ken. How are we supposed to arrive at fully developed perspectives unless we look at things from all angles--especially the opposite one? How are we to learn anything unless we step out of our bubbles?
I get that people want "safe spaces.". I don't denigrate that desire. But I don't see it as fundamentally necessary. If grown-ups would just 1) use their manners and 2) grow thicker skins, we would have far less demand for safe spaces.
I'm not sticking up for the would-be cyber missionaries who come to a place like this specifically to convert people, or for the trolls, of any stripe, who go anywhere just to upset the applecart. I'm sticking up for those weird aliens like myself who see nothing wrong with going where they "don't belong" so they can learn something foundational. It's why I was a church musician for 3 years.
@stinkeye_a, i have obviously not made myself perfectly clear in my question, my bad, so i'll have to do a lot of further explaining now in this specific case (& i do acknowledge that each of us has her/his very individual motives) the xtian appears to never give up arguing for religion in an increasingly finger-pointing way, not responding, but pontificating. i find it boring & annoying at best, bullying into conversations more likely. not my idea of gleaning knowledge through different perspectives.
@walklightly I get it. I wouldn't block someone just because I don't like what they have to say. I would only block if they were being abusive OR if they were posting so much and/or such large posts (I should talk, right??) that scrolling past their content is a chore.
I'm not a fan of filtering stuff out just because I don't like it. I think that's a lazy and irresponsible way of dealing with the world--for me. But I don't feel any kind of way about people who organize their lives differently in this regard. I totally understand when a person is so sensitized to something that they just can't tolerate it: it's injurious to their well-being. That's why I'll never sneer at someone for needing a safe space. Maybe someday I'll be raped or something and need one myself. It's easy for me to say I don't feel the need to block people here because I have the privilege of never having been shamed for or abused by religious beliefs, so my sensitivity to the kind of behavior you described is low.
When I see stuff like that, I get curious and pay attention to it. I may or may not make an extra effort to review that person's post history--but I'll definitely pay attention to their future posts if and when I encounter them. I like to see if their message or approach ever evolves. Sometimes people like that change their tactics with exposure over time to the reactions of others in the milieu. Morbidly, I also kind of like to keep feelers out for any drama that might develop. Since I don't have emotional skin in the game, it's just a curiosity and entertainment.
I feel like I have more to gain by exposing myself to stuff that raises my hackles. It's instrumental to the path I'm on of releasing attachment and developing compassion for absolutely all beings. I know that path is not for everyone, and probably sounds like mumbo jumbo to some.
Pontificating and finger pointing is immature and disrespectful, and in a place like this it's in especially poor taste. When I see people behave like that I use the opportunity to work on my patience and compassion. But I don't expect anyone else to follow suit. I give everyone the space to do how they wanna do.
@stinkeye_a, thank you for your clear-minded & respectful reply. i used to get satisfaction out of confronting & verbally fighting (not abusing, just arguing) with people less openminded; not any more. it bores me to tears, when i keep running into the same old, same old unfounded allegations, as though wording "the world is a shit heap" makes it so ... & yet, there might actually be something to it, & i just don't want to kindle the flame of idiocy any more. yes, compassion for all, the understanding that there is not really a separation in life, love being the one power that can heal, that can save & make peace in this life - i am actively onto this, & for that i need some space
@walklightly "clear-minded" and "respectful" are what we strive for--and if you were able to read that in my message, I owe you thanks as well. Cheers to another polite, rational exchange on a sticky topic.
@stinkeye_a, thank you so much - now i'm smiling from the heart.
If they don't push it on me, I would not block. BUT if they push I would TOTALLY block. I'm not here for that crap at all! I am here for the godless
he likes to be a bit pushy.
@walklightly Ugh... I was glad to see the admin jump in on your post I think they do a good job here keeping things just as we like them.
While many friends are believers , I only block those who feel the need to pontificate routinely .
well, this would be one of the pontificators.
I haven't been here long, but l came here specifically to relate to others of NON-BELIEF.
That being said, l most certainly would block someone who attempted to talk/comment/etc about 'god/christianity/faith/etc'. I find it pretentious and annoying. I hear enough of that dribble from people at work/on Facebook/in the media/etc. I came here to escape it.
At the same token, everyone's experience (and tolerance level based on that experience) is different. So one person's standard response could be another person's extreme. It's all relative.
So while all the responses are varied (because we all are different), l speak again only for myself.
I abhore people who insist on trying to sway or alter my beliefs (whether it be religion, politics, or something else) just to suit their own. There are plenty of other places for them to go to consort with those who also revel in their ignorance!
i totally agree with you. there is a place for everything. this site is my heathen heaven, & i'd like to help keep it that way.
I don't know that I would block them, although I do agree that this site is more for freethinkers and others who do not share that view of "God" I think if they where messaging me to try and "convert" me then yes I would.
id play it by ear but ultimately i would block anyone who pisses me of
Really depends on their attitude. It doesn't happen often but I have been able to get people to question their religion simply by being civil and talking to them about my issues with religion.
Where I live we routinely get missionaries around and I am convinced churches send out missionaries not to convert people but to let them develop a bunker mentality that they are alone with the truth. They go out in pairs and presumably get doors slammed in their faces and yelled at over and over, all day long. Why feed that martyrdom complex?
But they come by me and realize I am polite and usually know the Bible better than they do and ask them gentle questions that their prepping cannot quite cover...and several times I have seen the quieter of the pair sort of drift back and look thoughtful.
So I say block them if they aren't worth the psychic energy. But if they come here to confirm godless people are mean or sadistic or sad and lost why not disabuse them? Why not let them start to wonder if there is any point to the time they spend building up their needy skydaddy?
thank you for your input. this person seems to be on a mission. i am not on a mission. my interests are so far removed from anything religious, that i might as well live on a different planet. the reason i joined this site is that here i can fully focus on communicating my vision of a godless world full of real empathy, integrity, kindness in self-thinking mature human individuals, without the constant distractions of holy crap. i'd like to keep it that way.
Mumbo jumbo.
oooh now your gonna get it! lol
I blocked one person on here who I thought was being a obnoxious. If I want obnoxious I have a son of a cousin on FB who pops up once in a while to make comments on some of my posts. I just wonder how someone who shares my blood can be so dense. As for this site, most of the people on here have been great, and I have pretty thick skin.
i see myself as tolerant to almost anything & anyone, but not anywhere, & do prefer the company of intelligent freethinkers to babble-bashing zealots, @HippieChick58
I see comments here from people with imaginary friends, and my first reaction is usually "what the hell is THAT person doing on THIS site?"
I haven't been on this site long enough to have needed to block anyone yet.
welcome here & now!
Thank you.
I don’t blame you for blocking him. After reading some of these comments, I could see he was being pushy, according to what you said. And I do agree that the point to join this community was to get away from all the religious dogma and feel free of it, not run into it and feel pressured. You should be able to express yourself around like-minded people like you.
thank you, @EmeraldJewel
Someone would have to be very persistently annoying for me to block them. It hasn't happened yet. I'm normally quite capable of simply ignoring posts that I dislike.
& if someone hijacked your post for his/her own agenda?
@walklightly Sure.
Pushing, disrespectful, mumbo jumbo--only reasons to block in my book. Fight them with facts and insist on them in return. It has shut them up each time, so far. Mumbo jumbo (trump-ese as they say), passive aggressive discord, is crazy-making. Don't get caught up in that trap. It's beneath our ability for cognitive complexity.
yes, well, that exactly is my point: in keeping to reply to a persistent babble-basher i DO get caught up - because it takes from my time & energy, that i spend a million times better in the company of intelligent humans. & to not reply i feel as though condoning the drivel.
@walklightly When our children complain about kids who name-call or say mean things, we tell them to ignore the bullies. Those people get their satisfaction from our response. Instead ignore or just block--no questions asked. Maybe we could share the name of members who bully/troll. We did that with a man who was trying to get women to go elsewhere to talk about "personal" things. As if! Hahaha. I don't know or care if he was leading up to money or sex. We all agreed he was creepy. I believe Admin blocked him from the site.
@EllenDale, thank you for the gen on dealing jointly with the sleepwalkers in this community
Repeatedly stumbling over comments containing subject material that doesn't interest me? That's what scrolling and ignoring is for.
Seeing abuse? That's what "block" is for.
To me. You asked.
sure, thank you, i get you.
Usually, I'd keep on scrolling. If someone decides they can't keep their bullshit to themselves, and insists on continually posting to me, I'd block. No notification, no cussing-out (I know! surprise, surprise!), just blocked. You have no obligation to tolerate anyone you don't want to.
That's one of few, truly nice, things about the internet. You can interact with those you wish to, and completely ignore those you don't.
thank you, @KKGator.
Seriously? I didn't know anyone religious was on this forum.
There's a couple of them...
yes, there are.
Haven't you been reading the updates from Admin telling you that advertising on a number of religious sites has been fruitful? Tut tut @birdingnut remove your eyes from your binoculars for a few minutes and pay attention to Admin working away to get you fresh fodder, I mean playmates.
@birdingnut I have only just realised that I am four hours in advance of your time. It may be that you have not had time to read your messages today. I must revise my geography.
I just posted an invitation for them. I now have to wait if they respond.
@Gert, from where i'm looking you posted an invitation yesterday, as where i am it is the 9th of feb already - time's a funny thing, as imperfect as any human inventions
@walklightly Wait. I'm confused. Why would people from religious forums want to join this group unless they felt it was their mission to "convert" us?
@birdingnut, not from religious forums - this one just calling himself a xtian & believer, banging on about how there is no evidence for the non-existence of god. which tells me two things: that his mental capacity is too limited to understand that only existence can be proven, but not non-existence; & yes, you're right, he is here on a mission to convert.
I'm clearly the odd man out here. I have and I will. I've said it before and I've said it again - If somebody continually posts crap that is the opposite of what I am looking for here, I weed them out. Gives me more time to read the material I want to read - and there are a LOT of conversations here.
No reason for them to be on this site other than pissing people off
Or to learn the error of their beliefs said he swing a lead weighted 2x4 oak beam?
Just kidding
Being lazy again!
I'd rather block idiots than deal with their crap. Their right to speak doesn't overpower my right to not listen.
Never thought of it that way. I just ignore them, but most of the time when this happens I can't leave, like a bus stop.
I like your way of thinking. Unfortunately, my wife goes on and on about the happenings at her Temple. And she's even on the board so I have to listen to the politics, too.
No of course not, As arnies says, as long as they are not jerks,
All opinions are worth a discussion or dialog but constructively.
in this case the constructivity is missing, just endlessly repeated statements without foundation whatsoever: babble-bashing. does that count as jerkness?
I've only run across one, and everything I have seen from that person has been civil. I wonder if, if they're being civil, they are here because (ahem) there is a more intelligent group of folks to talk with here? Xians are not known for deep thinking, in my experience, so...
I know that this may offend some members here but I equate happy slappy arm waving god bothering congregations with line dancers - they both seem to have need of the same uniformity and obsessive compulsive behaviour.
Would I block? No. That is antithetical to the type of person I want to be. I dunno. Maybe they're cybermissionaries. Maybe they're poes. But if they are polite as I am to be polite, discourse should be invited. It's more entertaining to be challenged than to simply be agreed with. If I just needed silent assent, I could lock myself in a room with a bunch of bobble-heads.
there is another level of communicating, & mostly for that i am here: deepening the exploration of a life that is free from belief, & instead rich in perception, awareness, kindness, empathy. i am not here to be entertained; my interest lies in realising the connection we have & intensifying this.
@walklightly Well, I was seeking to answer your question through my POV. Not my intention to prosthelytize. What you get and want from this forum may well be different from my objectives. I find challenge and entertainment are synonymous. If you find that those contrary to your intent are corrupting the experience, then it's only rational to take measures. Not that you need any validation from me. But it's there none the less.
I've come across two. I had a brief exchange with them and it was actually nice and civil. They seem to have gone away on their own. Today, I did come across some mumbo-jumbo, but it wasn't religious.
If it happen to me I won't let that person bother me. There's no arguments on their side. They just have ignorance and "faith"... Don't even worry. It's not worth it. Here we are more...
yes, we are more; but if someone never gives up & keeps spouting their bs, it can get quite grating.