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LINK White Evangelicals, This is Why People Are Through With You

I like John Palovitz, he is a straight shooter for a religious guy. He says, "And yet today, you openly give a “mulligan” to a white Republican man so riddled with depravity, so littered with extramarital affairs, so unapologetically vile, with such a vast resume of moral filth—that the mind boggles."

HippieChick58 9 Nov 12

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Umm...let’s see. Methodist Hillary Clinton is a white evangelical.

Over-generalizing much?

HRC wasnt given any slack. Even condemned for sticking with her philanderer husband. Read the definition of hypocrisy recently?

@Beowulfsfriend What does that have to do with what I wrote?

The article is stereotyping at its worst. Your typical “evangelical” is not all that interested in politics and could be of any political persuasion.

The words “evangelical” and “political conservative” are not interchangeable, and I gave an example.

@WilliamFleming and you just flunked college writing 101 persuasive essay by not arguing the content and bringing in something alien (and we all know for political reasons). What does HRC have to do with what Palovitz had to say? Your use of "over generalizing" isn't aimed at the article, but the person presenting it. One could just as easily claim you are over generalizing by using Clinton in a perceived prerogative usage. Your intent was clear: hippiechick's intent was clear. I called you out on your hypocrisy. And you want to act like you are attacking the article, which you are not, if you have even read it.

@Beowulfsfriend You have this all wrong. I did scan the article. The jist of it is expressed by the title. The article is deeply flawed because it over-generalizes in equating evangelical religions and political conservatism.

I made no attack whatsoever on Hillary Clinton—it is a fact that she identifies as Methodist. I do not consider being a Methodist to be a negative thing, and I have never expressed anything negative about either of the Clintons.


I know absolutely nothing about this Pavlovitz guy and have never heard of him before now. He has written a very biased article based on stereotypical thinking—that I know. Among deeply religious people, only 12% are religious conservatives, and among the general American population religious conservatives make up only 5%.


That 12% richly deserve to be called hypocrites—call them hypocrites all day and you won’t get a peep out of me. But there’s no need to slur everyone who belongs to an evangelical church. You slur most of my friends and family members, and a lot of other very fine people such as Hillary Clinton.

@Bobby9 I am beaming, a ray of glowing stardust.

@Bobby9 like any crazy diamond

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