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The answer was sung 50 years ago by Sandy Shaw


It's not all that surprising, he's been stomping all over The Constitution ever since he took office.


Fuck you TrumpOLINI and your criminal Presbyterian lies about citizens


It says enough of how he sees everybody being equal. The president for all, except ………

Gert Level 7 Feb 8, 2018

He like to pick on minorities, that's for sure.


Ever see him try pass himself off as a Christian? When he's ask if he has a favourite bible quote? I doubt he's read anything let alone a bible. He just knows his target audience and it's not enough just to love whatever it is they love, he has to attack whatever it is they want to see attacked.

Yep. You got it. Money and power are his god, and he isn't really good at either of them. Haha.


Well... what i want to say has been said... but I will say he's doing all he can to be recognized in history. More than the other presidents. I do remember bush and his mass


Wow. Just wow.


Trump will pander to any group that supports him. All I have to say is, fuck that guy!

You said it brother... he's a male chauvinist pig.. trying to get past his comments on how he manipulates female's.

before his run I never would have associated Trump with Christianity or any religious concept. I don't remember when he started playing that card but recall all the ministers praying for him at a point. I still don't think he has a christian bone in his body

@btroje I agree with you. He's only playing the christian card because it benefits him.

@witchymom the one thing that worries me most is Trump's failing mind..

@witchymom do you ever remember hearing him mention the buybull before the election process began?

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