Talented, highly trained scientists early in their careers are turning away from the idea of joining federal laboratories or divisions. Many of these younger scientists tell us they just assume there are no opportunities with federal agencies, historically one of the major employers of scientists in many fields. Or that they worry about working in the current political climate.
Our agencies need that new talent to draw on in years to come to protect our nation's public health, safety and environment. Government organizations, as with most large groups in any sector, depend on people. Without the influx of new talent, the Trump administration, whether by strategy or ineptitude, or some combination thereof, is threatening to hollow out these vital government bodies to the point at which they will cease to function as we need them to. We can't let this happen.
This is only a part of it I have a friend doing pure science work on pasma tecnology who stated that they are near making major accomplishments with their science. They have had to reduce operations to a minimun because they are out of government funding. They are working without pay living on wife's incomes under hardship because they feel this is such an important achievement.This is happening throughout the science area. My cousin works at Lawance Livermore Labs and they have had to reduce the number of projects to the most cost effective for lack of funds. This is one of the most important government labs in the country. This ass is only concerned with lining his pockets at the cost to the rest of the Nation.
I sadly agree with you Marine.