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So any old hippies here.

I'm looking to meet another hippie (female)...canafriendly...wonder if I'm in the right place. I'm a simple man with many interests...Ill play the blues for you. You there?

BillyBluesguy 4 Nov 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Old hippie here. Recreational weed is not legal where I live and that's why I don't do it. I don't think it'll be long before that changes, though, and I'm looking forward to it.

Deb57 Level 8 Nov 14, 2018

Well...that's encouraging. I'm beginning to think it would have been better not to mention the weed, but as I indulge Three times would be remiss not too. I'm a pretty basic example of a soul survivor. Intensely interested in everything, don't like to be still unless I have a reason, and then I don't mind. You seem to be a sensible person. I confess I'm quite lonely, you are correct about rushing things, I learned that the hard way, however, I believe getting to know, really know another human being involves a degree of intimacy....
Starting with coffee or tea...moving shortly to dinner, dating, etc. Face to face conversation...priceless. I hope if I find myself in your area, you're up for a cup. You seem to be a logical sure you already know how beautiful you are love to converse here as often as you wish.
It's just the contact might be sutprised, best to ya

Thank you for the nice compliment.


All good...some handle life, others get handled. I've been smoking for fifty years, earned a degree, had a great career...own my home...and am a Mensa member. Just remember, everyone is not the don't indulge and that's okay. But because one does...doesn't make them inferior.


I married one. She and i traveled the fringes of hippydom for quite a while. She never gave up the herb but it just wasn't my thing except those occasional brownies, they were a good experience.

Lucky man


I'm an old hippie, but not female. So, sorry about that.

s'ok friends then bro?

@BillyBluesguy Okay.


I would think the phrase 'Mellow' in place of 'Old" We own the 60's and 70,s.

Gotcha thx


Good luck to you. I was never a hippie, seems to me like I have acquired a lot of their philosophies in my older age though.

Cool...ideology mattets


At age 21, I stopped smoking pot and using illegal drugs. Don't miss it. I needed clear eyes and a clear mind for graduate school, while working as a YMCA program director.

I matured and moved forward in life. It is boring to be around stoners and drunks.

All good. One life, do it like ya wanna do it.

Sorry you feel that way...Ive never been called boring. But to each their own. Best to ya

I detect the acrid smell of sanctimoniousness in your statements. Getting high is not synonymous with having a muddled mind, lack of intelligence, inability to function as a rational and mature adult or regression to an infantile state. I have spent most of my life have to fend off such bullshit.

I am not a stoner, or a drunk. I participate fully in my life-I have a full-time job at which I am well-qualified and competent, and my inter-personal relationships have been extraordinarily satisfying to me. You are welcome to live your own life in a way that suits you, and more power to you, but please don't sell it to me.


How smoking marijuana affects the brain and cognitive function:


Marijuana addiction withdrawal symptoms:


@LiterateHiker Oh dear, she bludgeoned me with science! (Thank you, Thomas Dolby). A nice read, but the article itself points out many of the studies are inconclusive, and more pronounced effects are seen in users whose brains are not yet fully developed (in your case, since you smoked as an adolescent, you're far more likely to be permanently affected than I am. Enjoy your diminished cognitive capacity).

Alcohol destroys brain cells, too, and yet many medical professionals now advocate a glass or two of wine every so often for its health benefits.

At the moment, I tend to view most government publications with a bit of cynicism-the current administration is not known for its liberal views on what should be legal. Yes, many illegal drugs have health risks, especially the "white powders" such as methamphetamine, cocaine, and most notoriously, heroin. Some of these health risks include cognitive impairment, and emotional dysfunction besides damage to other organs of the body.

My position, which I have long held, is there is a distinction between "use" and "abuse", something apparently lost on the increasingly conservative modern social milieu. Apparently, some of my friends, such as a university professor of mathematics, and a director of paint reclamation for a major West Coast metropolis, have failed to become babbling, lethargic idiots as expected. The tragedy.


My friend's son, Hunter, smoked marijuana daily from age 15 to 22. He was ingesting THC in edibles and oils, too. At 22, Hunter has no idea what he wants to do for a career. He lacks motivation, goals and direction in life.

I see this in other young, male stoners in their 20s and 30s. Couch surfers, they have no job or direction in life: constantly loaded.

Recently Hunter developed an allergy to marijuana, and had to stop cold turkey. He experienced:

Involuntary shaking
Difficulty sleeping
Stomach pain
Crippling anxiety and depression.

Marijuana withdrawal symptoms are the same as cocaine withdrawal. You think it's harmless. You are wrong.

@LiterateHiker it has never affected me. i have smoked grass nightly and then stopped smoking at all with NO withdrawal whatsoever. i actually should smoke more for some medical reasons but i just can't get around to it. one would have to smoke an AWFUL lot, not casually, not even regularly, but excessively, for me to imagine one would have those withdrawal symptoms. i am not doubting your word, but hunter sounds as if his use was incredibly excessive. i am guessing if someone ate chocolate day and night in huge amounts one would have a good number of the same symptoms. not joking at all! and again, not doubting your word. (it is possible too that hunter was into something in addition to marijuana and wasn't saying so.) my experience matches that of others i know and i've never seen anything like hunter's experience, though in my youth i saw people who were stoned day and night. i don't know how they functioned. it isn't how most of us used grass. i certainly wouldn't want to be stoned ALL the time. i can also say that within the limits of my disabling medical problems, most of which have a strong hereditary component(grass didn't cause my diabetes, arthritis or fibromyalgia, especially since i didn't have access to any grass for years and years) i am motivated and i get things done. i had a career. in fact i had more than one successful career!


@LiterateHiker, @Deveno I view this as the parents fault with regard to Hunter's motivation... But it is easy to pawn off on drugs. I have never heard of any type of withdrawal symptoms from stopping the use of pot. That's a crock!

I don't like to hang out with anyone who abuses anything! However, most people I know enjoy moderate alcohol and/or cannabis use and they are professionals with standing in the community.

One thing I have found... there are a groups of people (AA and NA types) who like to blame drugs or alcohol for all their problems. In most cases they need to look at themselves! If it weren't drugs or alcohol... It would be something else to blame. Anything to avoid taking responsibility!


Like you, I had never heard of marijuana withdrawal. People I told about it were surprised. Marijuana is advertised as "harmless."

It's not a "crock," as you said. Hunter's mother is one of my best friends.

In September 2018, I drove with her to Hunter's apartment in Ellensburg, to help Hunter through it. He was in agony. His withdrawal symptoms lasted about 36 hours like cocaine withdrawal.

For Hunter, the worst part was his overwhelming anxiety and depression after quitting marijuana. He still struggles with it.

@LiterateHiker i mean no disrespect to you or to hunter's mother when i say either he was smoking a whole joint every three minutes, in which case he'd be unconscious long before he could do himself any harm, or he was doing something other than marijuana. some unscrupulous dealers do put other ingredients in the pot (angel dust, for example) and people DO sometimes lie about what drugs they're doing.


@RiverRick, @LiterateHiker my wife was given 3 years to live she made it six and a half no radiation/ chemo
She was Native American and had lupus as well. I've been smoking since 1968...always had work, in my 30's I averaged in the mid-six-figures. Just today I made a pretty big stack in twelve hours. And all I heard from the family was you'll never amount to anything...what did they know.

@BillyBluesguy Billy..... Sorry to hear about your wife's passing. I know that pot helped ease her way as I know many that use it for the same or a similar purpose.

Some people believe everything they read. Some will use pot (Or anything else they can) as a crutch as to why they don't succeed. You and I are proof that is not always the case. In my youth I got high multiple times per day for years. The only reason I stopped (at the time) was that I took a job that required drug testing and had to stop. So after 10+ years of smoking 3+ times per day.... And quitting "cold turkey" I had exactly ZERO withdrawal symptoms. I'll wager this kid has larger issues.

I'll get high every now and then. Usually at my home at night when I am in for the evening.... With or without friends here. I have done well also. I built a custom home on 12 acres beside the river and I make plenty of money. My retirement is fully funded and then some years ahead of schedule. I'd wager I am in the top 2%-3% of the country for that. Pot never stopped me from achieving anything. Like I said... Some use it as an excuse.



i was slightly too young to be a hippy in the day and had to settle for being a flower child, but i am an old hippy now.


Close enough for rock and roll.

@BillyBluesguy my sentiments exactly!


@BillyBluesguy i suppose i should mention, having reread your post, that i am an old hippy who is engaged to and living with and caring for an old nonhippy, politically compatible but wouldn't recognize jerry garcia in a lineup.


@genessa okay then...well I wish you both well sincerely. It's all good I didn't get the red bike I once wanted, but I survived. ? someones to you.

@BillyBluesguy thanks and likewise to you!



Yes. I've been accused of being a hippy. Groovy.

Tell me about that.?


I sort of caught the tail end of the hippie thing, but when punk came along i found that more exciting.

Been there too. Loved early punk...Stranglers, Dead Kennedys, etc...alas as with everything Punk was back to what I know. Thanks for your comment. Best to ya.

Punk was exciting. The raw-ness, the leather, the tattoos, pins! Bright blue mohawks, and the Sex Pistols before breakfast. But it did lack a certain.....color. Very dark. Very gritty.

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