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QUESTION The New Face of the NRA - YouTube

This is AWESOME!

HippieChick58 9 Feb 8

Enjoy being online again!

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Equality , Identified & Accepted ! Wake-up & smell the reality 😉

Dougy Level 7 Feb 9, 2018

The NRA built up too much political power by making unholy alliances with every right wing kook religious nut job lobbying cabal.....our citizenship duty to defend America from our homes has been co-opted by racist cops corrupt courts and polluter oil war crime weapons profiteering zionism. .... sharpshooting and pistol shot accuracy defined my father's generation of Buffalo Bill and Annie Oakley. dad was on the posse deputized to capture Bonnie&Clyde but only got mechanic Buck and his pitiful Blanche near Dexter Iowa. ....the millenia long English common law tradition of locals defending the locality predicates our WELL REGULATED MILITIA. ....the truth needs telling and the violent must be arrested for being criminals in possession of FIREarms


hahahahaha 😛


Hahaha....Love it!


Funny but those bases are already covered. While he wasn't looking one put weed in his pocket so he'll be in jail by dark.

I've known white on white to do that as well !

@Douglas, In my experience, that only happened when cops were involved.



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