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Random question: Favorite/ go-to drink at Starbucks?

I am a barista at Starbucks and I am always open to try new drinks.
My personal go to is an ice coffee with soy (2 pumps of vanilla, 2 pumps of caramel) and caramel drizzle around the cup if Iā€™m feeling adventurous šŸ™‚

chlorine413 6 Nov 15

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Hot soy venti mocha, no whip


There should be a separate li e for people who order bullshit drinks that take forever.


Quad venti latte, no flavors


Oh how I love the smores frappe! My go to is the cafe mocha. I usually go to Tim Hortons, the poor man's Starbucks, as I'm a social worker and spend a lot on hiking gear.


I've only had 3 different drinks at Starbucks and they were all years apart from each other lol

  1. Caramel Frappuccino
  2. Hot Cocoa
  3. Caffe Mocha

I would have to say that I could do without the hot cocoa that I had once. On principle, I refuse to buy hot cocoa that costs like $4, even if I was rich. I've had the caramel frappuccino a few times and the caffe mocha once. So those are my two go to drinks at Starbucks on opposite sides of the temperature spectrum. Maybe I'll try more drinks there, but I doubt it. I recently had the caffe mocha like 2 weeks ago. I had the others like 13-20 years ago.


I very rarely drink coffee - I prefer tea - but when I do I usually just get a flat white

GwenC Level 7 Nov 15, 2018

I donā€™t drink coffee but they make a nice hot chocolate and I love the hibiscus berry refresher.


Medium drip coffee.


Iā€™ve never been to Starbucks. ?


Just coffee. Don't ruin it.


Straight up black. I prefer French Roast, but they never brew that in-house anymore.


I usually order frappuccinos even in very cold weather like today. It's hard to pick a favourite. Matcha Green Tea CrĆØme is my current go-to.


Flat white. A nice simple drink that keeps the espresso flavor front and center!


Grande Caramel Frappuccino.

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