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"The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one"

George Bernard Shaw

Good Friday morning to you all! The snow keeps coming but the storm is now downgraded a tad to 7-12 inches expected. It seems to be coming in slower than anticipated. At the moment I have some snow outside but nothing alarming. I'll be out in my boots armed with my shovel shortly! ๐Ÿ˜›

Knitfreak 7 Feb 9

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Shovel? I work 10 hour days and come home after dark. My house also faces south. I wait for the sun to come out and melt it. And yes, I think my neighbors hate me.


Please wear more than just your boots! We don't want you to catch a cold!!!



we are waiting for a snowstorm tomorrow. we really need it

Only Eskimos need snow, I donโ€™t need it.

@Funandfondles when your water supply relies on the snowpack you need it

@btroje just being honest, Iโ€™m not quite sure what that means, a well maybe?

@Funandfondles this is the high desert. the town gets water from a "river" that I would call a creek. THe river is mostly the result of melting snowpack.Drought is a frequent visitor. There have been a few times since I have lived here the town has been 30 days from running out of water then the monsoon kicked in. Right now I can't see any snow on the mountains

@btroje thanks, I never would have thought of that, that sounds scary though, sorry thatโ€™s your reality. I have never been out of water.


Shaw the sage of Toronto


Eek!! Stay warm, stay safe!

Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚ I'm super happy cuz my neighbor came over and took care of part of my driveway with his snowblower. 7-8 inches so far and still falling here! EEEK

@Ad4hubby Hopefully you are fully stocked with hot toddy fixin's!

@Ad4hubby last year we had 3 feet of snow. It covered our patio railing...and it was here forever!! This year we didn't even get 6 inches. I can't say I'm missing the shoveling. Lol

@AdorkableMe holy cats!!

@phxbillcee oh yes????

@Ad4hubby that neighbor/snowblower combo makes such a difference. THat happened for our whole block when we gave up trying to throw the seven inches of wet snow onto the top of the 4 feet already accumulated. I didnt even know this person but he cleared the whole block with no ask for thanks


I hope the snow stops soon, I need to drive an hour to get my son, and shovel snow.


Try to keep in mind that other people being judgmental is no more his or her fault than your being resentful is your fault. One thing that we all have in common is that we are all doing the best that we can with what we have to work with. Being angry or resentful toward another is most harmful to you so let it go and shower them with your positive energy.


I am a believer in eternal energy but not a believer in religions. I feel certain that no human mind could possibly comprehend anything that actually mattered in this area so how could someone possibly teach another.


Wow! Its 65 over here in lake Charles Louisiana... ugh! I would like some more!

Highs in the low 80's for the past few weeks out here! (Phoenix, AZ) Need snow up north, tho.

OMG, I did so not notice before this where you live. I lived just up the road in Rosepine, just past DeRidder. in 1983-1984. We saw it snow in Jan 85 just before we moved.

@HippieChick58. Well look at that! We're really close neighbors....alrighty!


Wow! Be careful out there in the blizzard!

*We don't get much snow at all in southeast Texas. So to me, what you're going through would be a blizzard! ๐Ÿ™‚

about 8 inches on the ground so far... I got about half of my drive shoveled and I was struggling to do that. Holy cats... LOL The neighbor came to the rescue with his snow blower ๐Ÿ™‚

@Ad4hubby Sounds like your neighbor is State Farm! lol


I'm happier as a skeptic than I was as a believer because I am free of all of the bullshit.

I agree. I would say I am happier now. Definitely donโ€™t have to deal with the painful cognitive dissonance anymore.
But I also notice I resent other peopleโ€™s judgement more.

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