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LINK Every Sperm is Sacred

You'll go blind you know!!

MattCooper 5 Nov 15

Enjoy being online again!

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I assume this is the reason why ornithologists came up with swallow. 😛


Have you guys ever wondered why the little blue pill advertisements all say "If you notice a change in your hearing or have difficulty seeing while taking this medicine, contact a doctor immediately"?


We were told this when I was growing up in the Catholic church. It was a scare tactic to prevent masturbation.


It doesn't get better than Python. British humor is my favorite.


I posted this a week ago. A California group sang this and several 'irreverent' songs at the recent Freedom From Religion Foundation convention in San Francisco.


LOL. I sure get a kick out of Monty Python. 😀 😀 😀

I wouldn't want to support all the children if every one of my sperm became one! And pity the poor wife!


Monty Python, so ahead of their time, and so irreligious , yet so right "hes a very naughty boy"

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