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LINK Men Say They Want A Smart Women...Until They Date One | I Heart

Is there any validity to this Gentlemen? Asking for myself lol. ?

Capricorn 6 Nov 16

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32 comments (26 - 32)

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Definitely not all men.

Nope, not all


Well, the article and research are garbage. The article cites one woman's experience on one date, and didn't bother to get a quote from the guy. Maybe the woman was coming off as condescending, or she is doing research something the guy finds ludicrous. As far as the study, a pool of 106 men, and that is suppose to be proof?!? Come'on!!! Plus there has not been any peer review of the research, so no idea if sample participants were skewed, or if there was P-hacking, or how the second part of the study was conducted (shown pictures of smart butt ugly women and asked to date them). I'm not saying it is 100% fact for any side of the argument, but one study, with such a low sample, should be taken with a grain of salt. I myself would like to find someone I can engage with intellectually, but I am very unique from the majority of US males (don't watch sports and love PBS documentaries).


I can't speak for all men but I personally find women that are intelligent to be extremely attractive.


Not for me. I prefer intelligence.


Intelligence is definitely sexy, but smart women are a challenge. Then again I never met a woman that wasn't a challenge........

This is true, but most of us "come in peace" just don't piss us off ?

@Capricorn Ya, no shit............


We all need someone who can relate, if a break-up happens it won't be because of intellectual differences.


The article sites a single (actual/fictional?) dating event (without evidence supporting the reason it ended was her superior intelligence), and bases the conclusion with a study of 105 subjects, men reject smart women if they score too high on an IQ scale?

How does this study support the "Until they date one" assertion?

Aside from the lackluster article do you find intelligent women off putting?

@Capricorn I find intelligence the most attractive attribute a woman can possess. Off putting, no.

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