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How do you pronounce GIF?

Kinda wanted to know how people on here pronounce GIF. Do you pronounce it with a hard G "GIF" or a soft G "JIF"?

  • 34 votes
  • 7 votes
MusicMnstr99 6 Nov 16

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Say the work gift and drop the t.
There is a peanut butter called Jif.
What does the thing stand for?
graphic or giraffe-ic


If you give me a jiff, I'll answer..........GIF


Hard G. As others have said, soft G is how the creator of the format wants everyone to pronounce it but he is wrong. It stands for graphical, and jif is taken by a peanut butter and another format. Gif clearly wins lol.


Whenever I hear people pronounce it 'jif' I ask them how its 'jraphics' are.


Graphic Interchange Format (GIF)


Society determines how a word is pronounced no matter what the creator of that word says


Steve Wilhite, told the NY Times how annoyed he was at the debate over the pronunciation of GIF: “The Oxford English Dictionary accepts both pronunciations. They are wrong. It is a soft 'G,' pronounced 'jif. 'May 21, 2013



hard as the rock granite, not soft as gem 🙂


I call it the WTF why can`t I locate you file.


I say GIF, hard g. I suppose it could be confused with gift.


gif stands for graphics interchange format. graphics begins with a hard g, so although both gif and jif are acceptable, gif is more correct as it acknowledges the initials of the words for which it stands. besides, there is a different graphical format called jif. if they're both pronounced jif, how will anyone know what someone is talking about?


Only my computer needs to know.

@GeorgeRocheleau i sometimes say gif aloud. i am glad i know too.



"GIF is an acronym for Graphics Interchange Format"

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