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Trump supporter: "Would you vote for Oprah for president?"

"She's black and a woman."

This from my hair stylist who voted for Trump. Must admit I was crowing about how well Democrats did in the Midterm Elections.

"No, Oprah Winfrey is unqualified to be president," I replied. "Do you think I'm dumb?" I asked pointedly.

"No," she replied.

"The implication is that...."

"There's NO implication!" she replied, cutting me off.

"What you implied is..."

"THERE'S NO IMPLICATION!" she thundered, not letting me finish. Repeat.

Her implication was that Democrats would vote for any minority woman, regardless of qualifications. That's insulting and reminds me of Republican, racist dog whistles.

"I don't want to argue with you," I finally said. "Please stop."

In the past, we agreed to disagree. There's no arguing with Trump supporters.

LiterateHiker 9 Nov 17

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28 comments (26 - 28)

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I voted for Trump and I would consider a vote for Oprah or anyone else.

I’d need to hear their points of view and plans for moving the country forward. I’d want to know on what points they would be willing to compromise and how he or she plans to combat the extreme division that is plaguing us right now. I wouldn’t not discount any candidate based on race, gender, political party, religion etc etc etc.

Id want to hear them out. We don’t listen to each other anymore. Both sides. It just seems to be attack attack attack. No one wins that way.

So...anyone unqualified then?

@Secretguy How would I know if a person is qualified or not if I don't listen to what they have to say?

"It just seems to be attack attack attack. No one wins that way."

I'm sorry, where have you been? That is EXACTLY how 45 won.
You voted for him. Were you not paying attention?
Your entire comment is an exercise in hypocrisy and contradiction.

@KKGator I voted for what I felt like was the best of two bad choices. I thought or hoped that once he took office, he could be reigned in. That he would see the importance of dignified and polite behavior. I was wrong obviously. Hindsight is 20/20 I reckon.

That being said I still maintain it goes both ways and returning to a more open and respectful dialogue has to start somewhere with someone. I can’t control the presidents or anyone else’s behavior, just my own and I choose to be open to hearing all sides and points of view. I have never and will never insult or belittle anyone for their opinions and views that differ from mine.

I have friends and family members that span both political parties. I had two sets of grandparents that were at complete opposite ends of the political spectrum. My dads parents were Italian immigrants who were very progressive and liberal. My grandmother put herself through school and became a college professor. She fought ardently for civil rights and women’s rights. My moms parents were very conservative. Republican. Christian. Small business owners and very much in favor of limited government. But they were all always very respectful of each other. Debates were never insulting ahdbmy sisters and I were encouraged by both sides to question things and form our own opinions. I feel like I was exposed to many differing ideas and points of view in a very positive and open way.

I don’t feel like my willingness to admit that I made a mistake or that I’m willing to consider and listen to what someone has to say makes me in anyway hypocritical. Trumps behavior is unacceptable and at times disgusting even. I thought so during the campaign and i think so still. I had hoped his demeanor would change but unfortunately I was wrong.

What the Hell we're you thinking? So you vote for a party that has just a tad more respect for women than the Saudis. Could you explain. This is hard to grasp.

@Sticks48 could you give me some examples of laws and policies that republicans have enacted or supported that oppress women specifically?

If all that is/ was your criteria for casting a vote … and you voted for trump 😕 Might I dissuade you from voting?

@Christiep77 They have stopped legislation for equal pay for women. Given the opportunity they would love to overturn Roe v Wade and have chipped away at in several states, putting women's reproductive health at risk. That legislation primarily affects poor women. Have you not been paying attention?

@Veteran229 Bullshit.

@Christiep77 Nationally and state-by-state Republicans have worked tirelessly to restrict access to birth control and abortion. Birth control stops more abortion than any law yet they persist in trying to stop access to birth control and education about birth control. Then there are their repeated efforts to roll back laws that insure equal opportunity for women in the workplace, in education and in marriage contracts. If you think this is not true I'll do the research and show you some of the many votes they have made in these efforts.

@Sticks48 What legislation specifically was stopped by Republicans? I wasn’t aware of anyone in either party bringing forth legislation to overturn existing law that makes gender discrimination illegal. Some would, I agree like to overturn Roe v Wade. Putting a woman’s reproductive health at risk is an entirely different issue. I would argue that abortion is more risk to reproductive health than carrying a baby in most cases. Of course there are exceptions that should be considered.

I also don’t really understand how the government funding abortions became the standard of defining whether or not a person is inherently supportive of the advancement of women? Isn’t it kind of belittling to women to tell them the only way we can be equal is with the help of the government? Isn’t it insulting to believe a woman’s only concerns when choosing a candidate should be where they stand on reproductive rights? Of course these are very important issues and should be considered but the same things that affect and concern men also affect women and should be considered as well.

@Varn I don’t understand your question. And no. You may not dissuade me from voting. Or anyone else. What an awful thing to say.

@Veteran229 Hell yes I deny the "multitude" of videos. There is no multitude. They were isolated, and largely staged. That's been proved. Just because they fooled you is not reason enough for me to go along with you.
There was and is still more violence at 45 rallies. He instigates that shit.
Always has. The right has always been more violent. The FBI and CDC both have ample statistics to prove that the right is responsible for MORE domestic terrorism than the left, OR anyone else, in this country.
You don't have a leg to stand on.

Oh, and I can recall quite a few times when the right-wing tea partiers hanged and burned Obama in effigy and no one said shit about that. I personally witnessed three separate events where that happened. So, don't act like the right is innocent of anything you're claiming the left has done.

The racist, bigot, and homophobic accusations are not "propaganda". It's ALL true. Again, just because you don't believe it, doesn't make it any less factual.

@Lorajay would you please point me towards some examples? Examples where laws were aiming to actually limit or outlaw birth control ? I would disagree that limiting funding or coverage under insurance is limiting access. You still have access to birth control whether or not you have to pay for it and currently all states cover birth control methods under the Medicaid program which helps low income women afford it, which I support. As a matter of fact Virginia has a program under Medicaid that covers birth control, women’s health exams and procedures for women who have to much income to qualify for full Medicaid but still need financial support for these services. I also support the right of privately funded charities to provide help and support for women to be able to make the choice that’s best for them and their families.

@Christiep77 If, after all the deliberating you described, trump was your choice… I’m very sorry. But, I suggest you get with your apparent party of choice regarding dissuading votes - and make them stop. I was (partially) joking - they aren't.

@Varn I'm convinced that Christiep77 a troll, and not a very good one at that.

@Christiep77 The government does not pay for abortions. Obama and the Dems proposed a bill to make a law for equal pay, but of course the Republicans would not even consider it. You may help me reach my goal of blocking 100 people by the new years. You will be number 91.

@KKGator ...was thinking the same thing..

@TheMiddleWay Isn't deliberate blatant ignorance a qualifier for trollhood though???

@KKGator ,@varn, @sticks48 I’m sorry you feel that way. I was just stating my opinion. Really my whole point was simply that I would be willing to hear what a person had to say. I was not trolling or trying to be purposefully antagonistic. I did not mean to be rude or insult anyone and I sincerely apologize if I came across that way. It was not my intention.

@Christiep77 I don't think you insulted anyone. I just don't understand how anyone, but especially women, could vote for this man. He is not only totally incompetent, he is a horrible human being. I am not going to block you. It was an over reaction. Sorry.

@KKGator Gater (should have fleshed out my prior response).. I’m reminded of the Russians, having hired such to infiltrate various social media sites.. a couple things sparked my attention. Like, ‘give me specific examples.’ Right.. So they may disregarded as were the multitude of ‘specific examples’ exhibiting mr trump’s initial ineptitude? And, coming on a site such as this ...having supported the candidate of a party who would ‘lock us up’ in a heartbeat! And, an ankle biter, too 😀

We’re good, and you’re solid - but they’re out there ~

@Sticks48 Thank you. No need to apologize though. I really don’t know what else to say. This whole exchange just makes me really sad. I just to try to hear everyone out. I try to be open to everyone’s thoughts and views. We all have such different life experiences and influences. I don’t want to miss a point I wouldn’t have otherwise considered by only associating with people who agree with me. I hate being thought of a troll because that implys Im simply here to rock the boat or cause problems. Nothing could be further from the truth. I found my way here because I was dating someone who was already a member and he suggested it as a way I could better understand his point of view. I stayed after we parted ways because everyone was always so accepting and interesting. Anyway. Im just sorry I seemed to have upset everyone so much.


Is voting In another tv personality really a good idea. It was funny the first time let's not push it.

@daylily yea I have heard a bunch of ridiculous things such as Kanye West running and stuff. People are taking it too far.

It has never been funny. It has been an unmitigated disaster.


I f I was american I woul shes funny and smart!

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