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QUESTION The Four Scientific Meanings Of 'Nothing'

So who's right? They all are, in their own way. The key isn't to argue or fight over what "nothing" truly is, but to accept and understand these definitions as people use them. It's paramount to not confuse one meaning for another, or to get into a squabble over why it's wrong to use a word in a particular manner. Instead, when someone — particularly a scientist — says the word "nothing," try and understand which meaning they're using, and what the phenomenon is that they're trying to explain. For as far as our imaginations can take us, the only true form of knowledge we can hope to have concerning anything at all relies on putting it to the test in our own physical reality. Everything else, no matter how logically sound, is merely a construct of our minds.

zblaze 7 Feb 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Thanks for this link. I've saved the 'particle' map as I am currently taking a physics class and should come in handy. Interesting article. Zero point energy is an interesting concept, first time I heard of it was an episode of 'Stargate Atlantis'. hooray for SciFi!!


It is impossible to have nothing.

The Heisenberg effect predicts it and the Cassimir effect proves it.



Now imagine that the photo upload worked and I posted pic of Buddy jesus


M Theory contends that among the 10 to the 500 universes out there, half are of anti character, namely for every universe of X there is a universe of anti-X. In short, creation is not something from nothing, but still nothing.


There's nothing like nothing.

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