As the researchers explain, radiation is particularly unique as an energy source for the origins of life compared to redox chemistry or simple heating. As Adam said, this is because radiation "drives an expansive network of reactions, not just an array of products for an array of inputs."
Of course, the researchers have only showed what could have happened, and not what did happen. In the future, they plan to continue studying all of the possible scenarios for the origins of life and examine the plausibility of each occurring, and see where the evidence leads.
Hi Zblaze,I read in Wonders of Life,that life could have started by a volcanic vent deep under water,by a difference of polarity between extreme heat and extreme cold,too me seems plausible as our nervous system work on polarity difference sending signals up or down the nervous system.
Polarity or a differential in energy? It would seem that a living system can exist almost anywhere there is a current to siphon off of.