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I planted 300 sunflowers last summer that attracted huge amounts of bees. My neighbor is a problem neighbor. He set off a huge bug bomb type aerosol fumigant that killed all of the bees instantly. I think his intent was to kill me as I have allergies to insecticides.

Should I stop planting flowers and risk his sociopathy killing honey bees attracted to my yard until there is a law or something that would stop him. He kills geese with mothballs. The was against federal law. The EPA called and warned him. Should I plant flowers next year or not?

Sunsetmermaid 5 Nov 17

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Let the bee people in your area know...
They may help you...


Look up the book "Spite, Malice and Revenge - The Art of Getting Even" by George Hayduke. There are many ways to get even!

One of my favorites without actually doing anything. Get a 10 pound bag of sugar and take 8 pounds out for your own use. Leave the bag weighted down with the remaining two pounds next to his car near the gas cap. He will think someone put sugar in his tank and will most likely tow it to the garage.

There are SO many ways to get even!


Your neighbor is a psychopath and a murderer.
He needs reported for animal cruelty and exposed for the murders he commits.

Plant, plant, plant....and report him at every opportunity. You might even go to the press about this.


Be bold!


Theres some awful African flowers that look and smell like rotting flesh. Pollinated by flies. Plant next to his house. You could probably prosecute him on assault charges if he knows you have allergies to pesticides and they seriously endanger your health.

You know what? If you are not a lawyer, you should be. I am going to tell the whole 3 block POA I will care for the ramp area for free in order to get a by law against large big bug area aerosoles. He knows that any chemical causes my airway to close up. I vomitted getting into the house. My friend was with me. I can't even go into the poison aisle at Lowes. I almost pass out. Otherwise, I have near perfect health.


I will send you more plants! This upsets me in so many ways.


Plant, plant, and then plant some more!


Plant more,and damn his life issues.

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