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How do you cope with being unattractive ?

GuitarDoctor 7 Nov 18

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If one does not see my attractiveness, in spite of my faults that's their problem and loss. Because I am awesome.

it's kinda hard to see if you hide behind an avatar 😉


Define "unattractive." Everyone has their tastes, and to me attractiveness is more than just looks.


I don't really. I do a lot of avoidance behavior like looking at things on the Internet (love youtube and TED talks), reading Wikipedia articles, listen to friends talk about their lives, work, stay in my head and avoid my feelings. I used to watch TV a lot and participate in self-help/personal growth trainings and workshops.


I've always welcomed it actually. When men find you unattractive, you get left alone. I'm not certain whether my secret power is unattractiveness or if I project "leave me the hell alone" like a loud speaker.


I don't "deal" with it, I just ignore it (even though the opinion is widespread).


Maybe it's life without Jesus that makes one ugly. Maybe if we took Jesus into our hearts we'd all be as beautiful as the Xians are.



Since I went years thinking parts of me were very unattractive, I can say coping with it isn't easy. You learn to live with it. However, I've since realized that I am attractive to some people. I think we all tend to be hard on ourselves. We see every little flaw.


Isnt' being attractive versus unattractive relative? Everyone has their taste, I might be one persons and not anothers and vice versu. There is nothing to 'cope' with. Every cake has its candle so to speak.

I think so. For example, I don't think I'm attractive at all. But obviously other people do.


I just have to accept myself as I am. If that means not being in a relationship because of my unattractive qualities then it is what it is. I don't like my picture being taken, definitely not photogenic.

Atecc Level 4 Nov 18, 2018

I have no idea how all those ugly people cope, do tell.


I don’t look in the mirror much. Lol. I also don’t really care about what others may see. If you don’t like what you see don’t look. (No I don’t have a photo posted. I am not photogenic and don’t do selfies.)

So your answer is "by not dealing with it"?


Personally, I ten to mostly be attracte to Asian and/or androgynous men. Being a man myself, when I look in a mirror I do not see what I myself find to be attractive. It took me quit ea while to realize that even if I did nto fidn myself to be be attractive in my own eyes, for others I was attractive in their eyes.

In the middle ages plumpness was considered to be attractive.

Beauty is generally relative. If you accetp societal values for what is beautiful, which at this point only peopel who have time towrkout for three hours at least five tiems a day and/or have eating disorders can live up to. you will not likely be happy with who you are. It is better to decide for yurself what is or is nto attractive and/or beautiful, and do your best nto to care if it doesn't matchy societies latest norms.


I try to maintain my level of unattractiveness. Like seeing an ugly dog is disturbing, but seeing it with open sores and missing patches of hair is even worse.

@Donotbelieve thank you. That's nice to hear. I'm holding my tongue to offer a counter argument and just accept the compliment.


I don't let it bother me. It's irrelevant to my life.

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