One mostly for the ladies.
Thoughts on beards? Like? Hate? Don't care?
I was out of home at 16, so a beard was easier to manage than shaving daily. I grew it again at 21 as my ex liked them. Each year, over the Easter break I would grow it and take it off on September 1st. Then when my son was born, I didn't shave for about 5 years, very long beard. I took it off one day and kids cried, so I grew it back for a few more. Finally it went white, so took it off until 2 years ago when my hair was turning grey. Then I entered into a contract not to get a haircut or beard trim for 6 months and the beard has stayed ever since. Most ladies I know prefer clean shaven, they tell me so, yet none have given me an ultimatum, just stated their preference. I am not much into kissing, so the beard helps there also, though I have had complaints about beard rash on other occasions. So generally ladies, if you don't mind, is a beard a deal breaker?