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Do you like the cats? Why?

I really love the cats. I have five right now. I read on the article and the author said that there is something wrong with people don't like the cats and they have to change themselves to be able to love this lovely animals. What your opinion is ?

Sensiwoman7 6 Nov 20

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I like cats for their quirky nature,and endless curiosity ?


I love all animals. I had a cat for 14 years and I've had a dog for the last 12. Life is just better when shared with animals.

That's true 😉


I do like cats - not sure why as dogs (from experience growing up (summers on a farm) were almost always more productive (kill mice etc) then the cats. A good friend has 4 cats but as I am allergic to cats, I don't spend much time in that house.



I like cats. I 've hd them all my life.


I don't dislike them but I am allergic to them so I tend to keep my distance.


@Sensiwoman7 Sadly, it is true. Exposure makes my eyes itch, sinuses flow and induces sneezing. It is not pretty ?


i adore cats. they are superior creatures. they do not pretend to love you even if you feed them; when they say they love you, they mean it.



I love cats (two of my own), but if I move back to Australia, I won't keep one. Feral cats are a huge problem to native wildlife there, and I can really see why many Australians strongly dislike cats.


Cats are fine, but I don't want one as a pet.

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