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Emoji can't be added

I am not able to add emoji to comments on Windows 7

zorialoki 8 Nov 21

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Emojis can only be added via the phone app. So far, you can't do it with any desktop of laptops. I'm using Windows 10 and still dont' have an option to add emojis.

not true, I can do them from my laptop as well with win7 and google chrome.


I could add them with windows 10 before that machine died. I am now using my windows 7 machine and can't add emoji.

@zorialoki Hmm... Perhaps it is a browser issue? I use Firefox. What browser did your Widows 10 machine use? I dont' see any options to add emojis. Yesterday after reading the above post I went into settings on the site and didn't see any option to add them.

@snytiger6 I have the same browsers on both machines and it worked in chrome in W10, but not in W7. I use each browser for different functions as to what they work better with. Chrome has always been a good workhorse and I use it as such, but since my other machine is inoperable at the moment I am finding the limitations on this machine


i have win7 and it works for me. might be some other problem, maybe your browser?

I have W7. I have them on my phone, but not on my laptop.

How, exactly?

I am using chrome

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